Hello all :D
My guild is currently at Warmaster Blackhorn. And I'm looking for help with my priest. I'm usually disc but since we're lacking ranged I'm going Shadow but my dps putting it bluntly. Sucks. On Ultraxion I swapped out with my Melee Shammy cause it was that bad.
This is my priest
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If you want to look at my priest for any references, I'm Versintha on Stormscale-US.
Blackhorn tips: Dot up both the big guys, and dps as much as you can til the drakes are reeled in. Swap over and try to move to the purple swirlies as much as possible to help prevent the boat from taking too much damage. As soon as the sapper is out, swap immediately. Make a macro for it if you have to. I tend to just spam Mind Flay to make sure he's slowed while everyone beats on him. Once you've made it to phase 2, move over to the right side of the boat and take down the drake and ignore Blackhorn. Sadly you end up not being able to stand very far back to avoid big ol' chunks o' damage, so when you see the dust swirlies on the ground from the shockwave from the boss - move your patootie. I've been caught in that with a shadow void zone dropped under me.. and it wasn't good. Once she flies off though, it's a pretty simple fight. Make sure you stay about 10-20 yards away from the boss so you don't get silenced, but you can get out of the shockwave quickly if he points it at you. :)
EDIT the first!
In general, it's a good idea to keep your shadowfiend on cooldown because he's a shiny shiny dps buff. Same for wings, but that should be timed closer so you're not having to refresh DP or VT more than once (if at all) while they're up. If you know a BL/Heroism is coming soon, try to save them for it, but if you have no idea when it's coming I would use them on cooldown. (I also have my herbalism haste buff that I use at the same time, but that's obviously profession specific.)
EDIT the second!
Forgot to mention - SW:Death on cd to keep your mana up, and obviously sub 25%. Just don't kill yourself with it, like I may or may not have been known to do. *cough*
Set=Page 1@
Aura[9]=Version:4.23; icon:Spell_Shadow_Shadowfiend; buffname:Shadowfiend; begin:1; x:-175; bufftype:7; owntex:true; speed:2; combat:true; size:0.12; y:-150; texmode:2; finish:3@
Aura[10]=Version:4.23; icon:Spell_Nature_WispSplodeGreen; buffname:Lifeblood; begin:1; x:-225; bufftype:7; owntex:true; speed:2; combat:true; size:0.12; y:-150; texmode:2; finish:3@
Aura[11]=Version:4.23; icon:Spell_Holy_PrayerOfMendingtga; buffname:Prayer of Mending; begin:1; x:125; bufftype:15; owntex:true; inVehicle:0; speed:2; combat:true; size:0.12; y:-150; ismounted:0; finish:3@
Aura[12]=Version:4.23; icon:spell_holy_guardianspirit; buffname:Guardian Spirit; begin:1; x:225; bufftype:7; owntex:true; inVehicle:0; speed:2; combat:true; size:0.12; y:-150; ismounted:0; finish:3@
Aura[13]=Version:4.23; icon:Spell_Holy_CircleOfRenewal; buffname:Circle of Healing; begin:1; x:175; bufftype:7; owntex:true; inVehicle:0; speed:2; combat:true; size:0.12; y:-150; ismounted:0; finish:3@
Aura[14]=Version:4.23; g:0.8706; icon:priest_icon_chakra_blue; buffname:Chakra: Sanctuary; r:0.5843; begin:1; texture:197; alpha:0.85; inVehicle:0; speed:2; torsion:1.34; y:-145; texmode:2; ismounted:0; finish:3@
Aura[15]=Version:4.23; b:0.8039; g:0.9294; icon:priest_icon_chakra; buffname:Chakra: Serenity; begin:1; texture:197; alpha:0.9; inVehicle:0; speed:2; combat:true; torsion:1.3; y:-145; ismounted:0; finish:3@
Aura[16]=Version:4.23; icon:Spell_Holy_SummonLightwell; buffname:Lightwell; begin:1; x:-125; bufftype:7; owntex:true; speed:2; combat:true; size:0.12; y:-150; texmode:2; finish:3@
*must investigate*
Because if there is one thing I am addicted to, it is teh pretty.
I actually have a great set up for my warlock, that I know I've posted here before. *goes digging for the screenshot...* It's a lot tighter than this one, but I don't think I could use anything else for it anymore because I'm SO used to it.
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