Spriest Help Please?

Dec 14, 2011 23:03

Hello all :D

My guild is currently at Warmaster Blackhorn. And I'm looking for help with my priest. I'm usually disc but since we're lacking ranged I'm going Shadow but my dps putting it bluntly. Sucks. On Ultraxion I swapped out with my Melee Shammy cause it was that bad.

This is my priest

http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/veknilash/Tinyheals/Read more... )

priest: gear, discussion: class, priest: shadow

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cosmic_iris December 15 2011, 00:34:12 UTC
BNet isn't working, but here's my general SPriest synopsis.

Spec & Glyphs: http://www.wowhead.com/talent#bcGoZZGbGdMzrdzfo:RkMbMozM
Major and minor glyphs are more or less flavor to taste, except spirit tap.

Gear & Stats: The stat priority is as follows| Int -> Hit/Spirit (up to personal judgement though) -> Haste -> Mastery -> Crit. If you can get to the gear level, around 30% unbuffed haste you should start reforging for mastery. It's kind of personal taste there.

Gear - HOLY JEBUS GET T12 4PC IF YOU CAN. Seriously, it's freaking AMAZING. I love it so much. (While you have your dots active on the same target, your mind blast does 15% more damage.) I will not be swapping into my T13 until I can go 4pc to 4pc. It's really an amazing set bonus and I wholeheartedly encourage getting it. Gemming is pretty much straight int since the grand majority of socket bonuses aren't worth getting.

Rotation & Fighting: Starting a fight is getting your dots up first, obviously. There's some contention as to how the best way to start is, but from what many people have seen, any differences are pretty negligible. Generally though, it should be SW:Pain -> DP -> VT first. After that you can choose to Mind Flay until you get your first orb, or Mind Blast if you've got an orb or just don't care one way or the other. However, when you get your Empowered Shadows buff from Mind Blasting with orbs up, you SHOULD recast at least DP and VT so they gain the buff from Empowered Shadows. After that, it's going to be Mind Blast on cooldown, Mind Flay between Mind Blasts, and keep your dots up!

Here are the Power Auras I use for melting faces.
Set=Page 1@
Aura[1]=Version:4.23; g:0.8784; target:true; icon:Spell_Holy_Stoicism; buffname:Vampiric Touch; r:0; begin:3; x:-300; bufftype:2; texture:158; alpha:1; mine:true; inVehicle:0; speed:2; combat:true; size:0.95; y:-12; texmode:2; ismounted:0; finish:3; timer.h:1.2; timer.Texture:Crystal; timer.enabled:true; timer.y:-12; timer.x:-305; timer.Transparent:true@
Aura[2]=Version:4.23; b:0; target:true; icon:Spell_Shadow_DevouringPlague; buffname:Devouring Plague; r:0.5529; begin:3; x:310; bufftype:2; texture:158; alpha:1; symetrie:1; mine:true; inVehicle:0; speed:2; combat:true; size:0.95; y:-15; texmode:2; ismounted:0; finish:3; timer.h:1.2; timer.Texture:Crystal; timer.enabled:true; timer.y:-12; timer.x:297; timer.Transparent:true@
Aura[3]=Version:4.23; b:0; g:0.7882; target:true; icon:Spell_Shadow_ShadowWordPain; buffname:Shadow Word; begin:3; bufftype:2; texture:69; alpha:1; mine:true; inVehicle:0; speed:2; combat:true; size:1.09; torsion:0.81; y:-140; texmode:2; ismounted:0; finish:3; timer.h:1.15; timer.Texture:Crystal; timer.enabled:true; timer.y:-180; timer.Transparent:true@
Aura[4]=Version:4.23; b:0.0902; icon:spell_priest_shadoworbs; buffname:Shadow Orb; r:0.5333; begin:3; x:-50; stacks:1; texture:74; alpha:1; inVehicle:0; speed:2; size:0.16; y:-140; texmode:2; ismounted:0; finish:3@
Aura[5]=Version:4.23; g:0.8549; icon:spell_priest_shadoworbs; buffname:Shadow Orb; r:0.051; begin:3; stacks:2; texture:74; alpha:1; inVehicle:0; speed:2; size:0.16; y:-140; texmode:2; ismounted:0; finish:3@
Aura[6]=Version:4.23; g:0.2314; icon:spell_priest_shadoworbs; buffname:Shadow Orb; r:0.5882; begin:3; x:50; stacks:3; texture:74; alpha:1; inVehicle:0; speed:2; stacksOperator:=; size:0.16; y:-140; texmode:2; ismounted:0; finish:3@
Aura[7]=Version:4.23; b:0.4431; g:0; icon:inv_chaos_orb; buffname:Empowered Shadow; begin:3; texture:75; speed:2; size:1.1; torsion:0.82; y:-140; texmode:2; finish:3; timer.h:1.2; timer.Texture:Crystal; timer.enabled:true; timer.y:-89; timer.x:-84; timer.Transparent:true@
Aura[8]=Version:4.23; icon:ability_priest_archangel; buffname:Archangel; begin:1; x:-125; bufftype:7; owntex:true; speed:2; combat:true; size:0.12; y:-150; texmode:2; finish:3@
Aura[9]=Version:4.23; icon:Spell_Shadow_Shadowfiend; buffname:Shadowfiend; begin:1; x:-175; bufftype:7; owntex:true; speed:2; combat:true; size:0.12; y:-150; texmode:2; finish:3@


cosmic_iris December 15 2011, 00:37:53 UTC
Holy crap, I ran out of text space! D:

If you want to look at my priest for any references, I'm Versintha on Stormscale-US.

Blackhorn tips: Dot up both the big guys, and dps as much as you can til the drakes are reeled in. Swap over and try to move to the purple swirlies as much as possible to help prevent the boat from taking too much damage. As soon as the sapper is out, swap immediately. Make a macro for it if you have to. I tend to just spam Mind Flay to make sure he's slowed while everyone beats on him. Once you've made it to phase 2, move over to the right side of the boat and take down the drake and ignore Blackhorn. Sadly you end up not being able to stand very far back to avoid big ol' chunks o' damage, so when you see the dust swirlies on the ground from the shockwave from the boss - move your patootie. I've been caught in that with a shadow void zone dropped under me.. and it wasn't good. Once she flies off though, it's a pretty simple fight. Make sure you stay about 10-20 yards away from the boss so you don't get silenced, but you can get out of the shockwave quickly if he points it at you. :)

EDIT the first!
In general, it's a good idea to keep your shadowfiend on cooldown because he's a shiny shiny dps buff. Same for wings, but that should be timed closer so you're not having to refresh DP or VT more than once (if at all) while they're up. If you know a BL/Heroism is coming soon, try to save them for it, but if you have no idea when it's coming I would use them on cooldown. (I also have my herbalism haste buff that I use at the same time, but that's obviously profession specific.)

EDIT the second!
Forgot to mention - SW:Death on cd to keep your mana up, and obviously sub 25%. Just don't kill yourself with it, like I may or may not have been known to do. *cough*


soozquu December 15 2011, 01:16:23 UTC
I love love love the way you set up your power aura. Your screen looks so clean and crisp. *swipes code, just in case healing priests decide to melt faces.*


cosmic_iris December 15 2011, 01:29:33 UTC
I actually have a set for holy too :D It's mostly just for my cooldowns, but the center cross is either yellow (for Serenity Chakra) or blueish (for Sanctuary Chakra).

Set=Page 1@
Aura[9]=Version:4.23; icon:Spell_Shadow_Shadowfiend; buffname:Shadowfiend; begin:1; x:-175; bufftype:7; owntex:true; speed:2; combat:true; size:0.12; y:-150; texmode:2; finish:3@
Aura[10]=Version:4.23; icon:Spell_Nature_WispSplodeGreen; buffname:Lifeblood; begin:1; x:-225; bufftype:7; owntex:true; speed:2; combat:true; size:0.12; y:-150; texmode:2; finish:3@
Aura[11]=Version:4.23; icon:Spell_Holy_PrayerOfMendingtga; buffname:Prayer of Mending; begin:1; x:125; bufftype:15; owntex:true; inVehicle:0; speed:2; combat:true; size:0.12; y:-150; ismounted:0; finish:3@
Aura[12]=Version:4.23; icon:spell_holy_guardianspirit; buffname:Guardian Spirit; begin:1; x:225; bufftype:7; owntex:true; inVehicle:0; speed:2; combat:true; size:0.12; y:-150; ismounted:0; finish:3@
Aura[13]=Version:4.23; icon:Spell_Holy_CircleOfRenewal; buffname:Circle of Healing; begin:1; x:175; bufftype:7; owntex:true; inVehicle:0; speed:2; combat:true; size:0.12; y:-150; ismounted:0; finish:3@
Aura[14]=Version:4.23; g:0.8706; icon:priest_icon_chakra_blue; buffname:Chakra: Sanctuary; r:0.5843; begin:1; texture:197; alpha:0.85; inVehicle:0; speed:2; torsion:1.34; y:-145; texmode:2; ismounted:0; finish:3@
Aura[15]=Version:4.23; b:0.8039; g:0.9294; icon:priest_icon_chakra; buffname:Chakra: Serenity; begin:1; texture:197; alpha:0.9; inVehicle:0; speed:2; combat:true; torsion:1.3; y:-145; ismounted:0; finish:3@
Aura[16]=Version:4.23; icon:Spell_Holy_SummonLightwell; buffname:Lightwell; begin:1; x:-125; bufftype:7; owntex:true; speed:2; combat:true; size:0.12; y:-150; texmode:2; finish:3@


soozquu December 15 2011, 01:31:07 UTC
I think I might love you ..... is that weird? :p


cosmic_iris December 15 2011, 01:38:28 UTC
Depends... Will you get me a pterodactyl for Christmas?


elialshadowpine December 15 2011, 10:03:03 UTC
.... I didn't know power auras came with pretty imagery like that. D:

*must investigate*

Because if there is one thing I am addicted to, it is teh pretty.


pirate_nami December 15 2011, 01:22:24 UTC
Agreeing with the other commenter: I LOVE your power aura setup. I may have to swipe for my own priests, and adjust it for my 'lock.


cosmic_iris December 15 2011, 01:38:04 UTC
Funny thing is, nearly all my power auras look something like this now. :P Those squares make for awesomely obvious combo point indicators for my druid and rogue.

I actually have a great set up for my warlock, that I know I've posted here before. *goes digging for the screenshot...* It's a lot tighter than this one, but I don't think I could use anything else for it anymore because I'm SO used to it.


cosmic_iris December 15 2011, 01:46:00 UTC
Ok! Your armory is updating, and holy crit Batman!

I'm going to assume some of your gear is for healing, but if any pieces are shadow specific, reforge any crit you can into haste. You are uber low on haste. :( Haste is amazing for shadow, and it's our best stat (behind what I stated above). If you're trying to dps in your healing gear, that's going to hold you back a chunk since not all the healing pieces are well itemized for shadow.

Personally, I would strongly suggest going into the new heroics and going SPECIFICALLY for shadow gear. Make an entirely new set for it so you can tailor your stats specifically towards what you want and need.

Basically, aim to replace your: helm, shoulders, chest, gloves, and legs. Everything else is pretty fine, but I would aim to replace those right now.

My priest for comparison: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/stormscale/Versintha/advanced


shadowmaru December 15 2011, 02:49:22 UTC
It's still showing as the disc set up for me so I can't tell you what gear I'm sharing right now since I have a memory like a sieve at 3am >.<

My Chest -should- be showing as the t12 shadow chest. That's the first thing I got. The gloves are supposed to be the ones you get from the new heroic quest rewards and shoulders from End Time and the helm from WoE if I remember rightly. Dunno why it's still showing my Disc gear :/

I'm going for my legs in the morning as I just logged on to check I was actually in my shadow gear and not been half awake and logged out in my disc gear. Got the tier gloves and knowing my luck I gemmed em wrong. XD


cosmic_iris December 15 2011, 03:20:03 UTC
As long as there's int on the gem somewhere, you're fine. :) I gem straight int at this point, but if you need hit, get some int/spirit or int/hit gems! If you want more haste, by all means, GET MORE HASTE. :)

Unless the gem has like... Agi on it, you're probably fine.


shadowmaru December 15 2011, 03:25:02 UTC
Yeah threw a purified demonseye in there and the haste glove enchant.

Been reforging as much haste as I can after I got myself back over hit cap. :) I'll most probably have to do more later when I get the legs. XD

Still wished it would show up properly for me so I could see what you're seeing as my armory. Gahhh why can't they fix b.net already. XD

No... I would never do that... reminds me to much of someone who got the legendary on my server.. and gemmed 3 agi gems in there... *sob*


cosmic_iris December 15 2011, 03:30:29 UTC
Sadly, the tier legs are the worst piece in the set, but they at least offer some crit you can reforge for more hit. ;P

Your armory was showing me your disc gear, so I couldn't gauge your shadow gear very well. It sounds like you've got a good idea now though. :) Go melt faces, little one! MELT THEM GOOD.


shadowmaru December 15 2011, 03:37:45 UTC
Yeah I have a feeling I'll be messing with the reforger when I get them.. alot XD

And Oh I am gonna enjoy it :D Can't wait to get into the dungeons in the morning after I've watched guides for Blackhorn and Spine. :D

Thanks for all your help :D


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