Kitty Drood UI Help?

Dec 06, 2011 12:47

First things first: my tiny guild finally got enough people together / worked really hard / polished our teamwork and got a Guild Rag kill! And also my first Rag kill (I'd seen phase 3 several times but never actually downed him.)

But taking screenshots for the guild website/etc. has really made me look at how cluttered and sad my UI is, and I .. could probably use some help from other Kitty droods out there.

So I use the default Blizzard UI with all the abilities I use frequently hotkeyed to things that made sense to me at the time and that now I am just used to. The rest of the action bar slots are things that I want quick access to (mounts, professions) without having to click through spellbooks/etc. I have recount open in the bottom right most of the time and tend to use VuhDo instead of the default raid frames because when I'm in Resto I discovered I like click-casting. But all this leads to a lot of BARFFFFFF all over my screen.

Does anybody have any suggestions / places to start with UI? I want something friendly and intuitive that won't take me three hours to implement. For keeping up with bleeds/etc. I was using DroodFocus but it's been borked since the patch so I was going to check out EJ for other kitty druid suggestions -- but I'll stop here first because y'all are always so helpful. Or other raidframe/action bar addons. It's important these things are laptop-friendly because I play on a 15-inch macbook pro. No gaming desktop for me. :(

Thanks in advance for all your help!!

In other news, if anyone on Arthas-US horde-side is looking for a guild, we're recruiting! Check out or message me in-game at Sassyfras!

--Sassy, Accomplisher of many things in one post.

guild: recruitment, addons/mod: ui screenshot, druid: feral, druid: restoration, addons/mod: help

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