I'm hoping someone here can help me. I've been leveling my little prot warrior (level 73, reduced Northrend XP FTW!), and I've taken up Mining and Engineering as professions (and I'm loving it!).
I've skilled up enough to make and wear
Armored Titanium Goggles.
The iLevel on these is 200. The goggles have two gem slots - 1 yellow, and 1 meta.
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Comments 21
Autumn's Glow, King's Amber, and Sun Crystal are the yellow gems in that level range. The only stat that I would go with pure yellow is dodge. So anything with Subtle in the name.
Dark Jade, Forest Emerald, and Eye of Zul are the green gems in that level range. Nimble and Forceful look like the only cuts that have any relevent tanking stats (one has dodge and the other stam)
Ametrine, Monarch Topaz, and Huge Citrine are the orange gems in that range. Looks like the best cut for orange is Champions (Str/dodge)
So I'd either go for a yellow gem or an orange gem. The cuts for green are meh.
I'm not a jewelcrafter, have no real knowledge of the gems, and just didn't have a clue where to start. This was a huge help. Thank you so much. :)
Yeah, that green gem you bought is a cata gem, so you won't be able to use that until 80+. I don't know if the Pussiant cut exists for NR gems since mastery is a stat that got introduced afterwards.
I'm looking at the gems on WoWhead again and either the green quality gems don't have as many cuts or wowhead is wrong. I'm looking at green gems that are blue quality and I'm seeing quite a few more cuts, one being Stam/dodge (Regal) Resolute (expertise/dodge) and Stalwart (parry/dodge) look like decent cuts for blue quality orange gems as well.
My biggest problem is the sheer amount of information that's there to sift through, especially when I have no clue (My toons are primarily gatherers for the gold, except for my two engineers, so I was totally lost). I knew someone here would be able to help. :)
Remember that green/orange/purple each count as both the colors that are mixed into making it. This is how I can have a meta gem with a requirement of oh say 2 yellow gems, and not a single gem on my gear that's yellow. I have two orange gems on. I don't even remember wrath cuts but there are gems that have stats like dodge and parry mixed into them somewhere.
What I cannot find is 'scroll of enchant' anything. Looks like once the patch dropped, all the existing supply was bought up, and everyone is too busy to make more. *sigh*
There's always something.
But, thanks for the offer!
Gem Helper ( http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info7427-GemHelper.html ) and Pawn ( http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info7296-Pawn.html#info) have info on helping you pick gems. I can never keep track of what the silly names are and the AH search is little help. It would be nice to look for, e.g., Agility gems that you could equip.
I'll definitely be trying out the two addons, though. Never heard of either of them, but they sound very useful! Thanks for the suggestion! :)
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