Nov 20, 2011 15:28
We probably need a master Pilgrim's Bounty post. ;)
Anyway I've been having problems with The Turkinator in Elwynn Forest. I have a macro (I'm a warrior so I'm using my gun):
/target Wild Turkey
/cast Shoot
And it works decently... until I run out of turkeys. No matter what I do, I run out of turkeys. I've gotten up to about 18 before I can't find another and the debuff wears off.
I R sad panda. :(
I'm not sure if this is because it's the first day of the holiday and everyone is doing it or what. Maybe I should do it midweek and try again (been doing it for a while now and am frustrated so I'm stopping for a bit). Or is it possible to do this particular achievement in a group or in another location like the Howling Fjord or does it have to be Elwynn (or Undercity) for Pilgrim's Bounty?
Anyone have any turkey hunting tips to share? I'm determined to do finish this world event this year (All I have left is shooting rogues and doing the stupid Turkinator which I can't seem to finish).
EDIT: OMFG 36 TURKEYS AND I LOST THE BUFF. AAAAAARGGH! Yeah, I'll be going over to Tirisfal late tonight to see if my luck is better. :(
EDIT: Got it in Elwynn at like 3 am. LOL
Now if only I could find Troll and Undead rogues....
world event: pilgrim's bounty