I couldn't find any up to date information on this, so I thought I'd ask here.
I just got my resto shaman to 85 not too long ago, and I'm REALLY confused on what to do about her reforging.
Armory is here. My stat priority is basically this: int > spirit > 916 haste > crit > mastery = haste (over 916). I've been prioritizing crit over mastery because I read that, at low gear levels where mana is a problem, crit performs better. So right now my reforging is looking like this:
- keep haste at above 916
- if it has mastery but no spirit, reforge mastery to spirit
- if it has haste but no spirit, reforge haste to spirit
- if it has spirit and mastery, reforge mastery to crit
- if it has spirit and haste, reforge haste to crit
- if it has spirit and crit, leave it alone
I'm confused as to whether this is right, though, because some stuff I've read says do this, some says reforge TO mastery, and some healer shaman I've seen have about equal levels of both. I've also heard that it's dependent on play-style, but I'm not sure what exactly that means. My "rotation" of sorts is this: keep Earth Shield on the tank and Water Shield on me, use Riptide on cooldown (spread it around but try to keep it rolling on the tank at all times), use Healing Wave for mild to moderate damage and Greater Healing Wave for heavy damage. I never use Healing Surge. I used to overuse it when I was leveling through Northrend so I moved it farther down my bar and now I don't touch it pretty much ever, and I'm wondering if this is a mistake and if I should be using it more in heavy damage phases. If someone is at ~25% health and I have time to use either Greater Healing Wave or Healing Surge, which one is most optimal?
I'm not raiding on her currently but would like to eventually if possible. My guild pretty much only ever does 10-mans.
I would greatly appreciate any suggestions!
ETA: I just noticed she's logged out in elemental spec because that's what I use for questing, but the reforging is the same as for my resto spec. I don't bother to re-reforge just to do quests.