Every day, we keep either hearing about or running into jerks, whether it be on our servers or in groups. However, there are still amazingly generous players out there whose random acts of kindness can brighten up someone's day (or week, or month...).
A little backstory: I love adopting guilds. I am an alt-o-holic, and a lover of professions, so I always need more room for stuff. Also, I tend to never have much gold because I sink it into my lowbies, and dailies bore me to death. So I was running around in Stormwind when someone posts in Trade chat that they have a guild they would like to give away. Of course, there was a round of scoffing from the general public, but I was immediately giddy and prayed the offer would still be there when I could take an alt that had recently lost her guild affiliation and give her one of her own. After getting on my alt, I whispered the individual to ask if the offer was still open. It was! Oh happy day!
So we grouped, and she made me guild leader. Out of curiosity, I hopped over to the guild bank, ready to buy the first tab. Imagine my shock when there were already 5 tabs! Not only that, they were stuffed full of hard-to-find pets and goodies, as well as a healthy chunk of gold. Almost more gold than I've ever had on a single character.
As I'm sitting there with my mouth open, they whisper that they are deleting their character, wish me luck, and let me know that I can sell the items for a decent amount of profit. My benefactor then disappeared into the sunset, leaving me amazed.
Former Mayka of Duskwood, if by some random chance you're a wow-lady, allow me to thank you with all my heart!
Anybody else have something fantastic happen to them, thanks to the generosity of another player? Or have you done something that made you feel warm and fuzzy inside? I'd love to hear the tale!