Question Regarding Expansions

Oct 23, 2011 11:14

This is not a QQ post.  Just wanted to make that clear.

Now that MoP has been announced, and we know for sure that the new race is the Pandaren, I've been considering not buying the expansion for a few reasons.  First, I have no desire to play a Panda.  Second, I have no desire to play a monk.  Third, I have no desire to level vanity pets and battle with them (never played Pokemon before, but I've heard that's the general gist of it?)

Once Blizzard gets the expansion underway, a number of things are going to change for me whether I have the ex-pac or not (class changes, talent trees, etc), so I wouldn't have to pay for that.

On that note, the only thing I'd be missing out on is the new content (pandas, monks, pokepets, etc), and I'm really hedging on paying for two ex-pacs for two accounts, particularly when the new content generally won't apply to me.

So, I have two questions:

1. Without the ex-pac, does that mean I'd be level-capped at 85?  Even if I didn't hit the new areas and just stuck with grinding and doing dailies, I don't think I'd level past 85, would I?  This would kind of make me sad, but it's still not enough incentive for me to buy MoP.

2. (And this is the clincher) Let's say that for WoW 6.0 (the ex-pac after MoP), Blizzard releases something I find to be really kick-ass, and I desperately want it - I'd probably have to have the MoP expansion to upgrade to the one after that, right?  There's no way I'd be able to have Cata, skip MoP completely, and still be able to install whatever comes after MoP, correct?

Right now, I'm getting a sense that I'm going to be stuck paying for it anyway (or be stuck in Cata forever), which bums me out.

EDIT: I need to clarify here.  As I said above, this is not a QQ post.  I'm not sitting here, all butthurt, going, 'Baw, they're putting pandas in the expansion and that ruins my life!' (not true, they're cute and maybe they'll add something to the game, I don't know).  I'm not jumping to conclusions, stating that I'm not buying the new ex-pac.  When further details are released about the expansion, I'll weigh my options and make an informed decision as to whether or not I want to buy it.  I always research details, and I know it's early on.  I know there will be more information coming, and I know things can change.  The whole point behind this post is that I wanted to know what would happen if I did not buy an expansion pack?  And, my questions have been answered.  I will most likely (99% sure) be buying it because I want to keep playing, and I want to progress.  I was curious as to whether or not I'd absolutely require an ex-pac to move on to further ex-pacs, and I wanted to know if I'd be level-capped.

expansion: general

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