Looking for Hordies!

Oct 15, 2011 15:09

Heeeey ladies (and those of the not-lady persuasion)

I'm an alliance junkie, I'll admit. I only have alliance toons, and a good chunk of them are nelves :( I really want to roll a hordie somewhere, but HATE Solo leveling, it's just so lonely :( Plus I want to make new friends.

Do any of you have any good realm suggestions? I just want to play casually as Horde, to begin... maybe I'll get into raiding, but I just want to test the waters for now. I've tried leveling on my own in the past, but I just got so BORED. So very, very bored. :(

I'd also like to play with a group of people who have a similar sense of humor.

I'm pretty coarse/vulgar, and definitely not politically correct by any means. There is literally *nothing* that offends me. I've had many people try, but to no avail. So I guess I'm looking for a group of people to play with that have very open/dirty minds and dirtier tongues, lol :P

Any takers? I'd like to start today!

EDIT: Only thing is I'd *REALLY* prefer to not play on a PVP server. Anything else is fair game.

!tag me please

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