So since I retransfered back to WRA (*waves at Alt Factory*) and decided I needed cool RP gear, I was merrily browsing an RP gear website whe lo and behold I found examples of all the class tiers and many other sets. The Druid Tier 1 was amazing but, as I am a human warrior, I couldn't get it. But fortune smiled upon me! There is a
recolor of the set from BC Dungeon drops! And I farmed the shoulders and the helm today. Paired it with the Nelf druid starter robe for now and voila! My toon looks pretty smashing!
I am a human warrior as noted before. While I think I look cool and want to wear the outfit, how in the heck do I come up with an in-character explanation for it??? A human warrior wearing an antler helm and shoulders made of leaves? Where would THAT kind of outfit come from? My character doesn't really have a backstory yet so I'm open for anything. I don't want to be a half-dryad or something silly and Mary Sueish, of course; I'd just like a reasonable expanation as to why my character could be wearing this costume.
Any suggestions?
Any other RPers ever found themselves with the same problem? Cool outfit but hard to explain and still be considered lore safe? I guess I could always change her to a Nelf... but I really don't want to. >>
EDIT: Ya'll are cracking me up! xD You're giving me some great ideas though - I particularly like the one about maybe how she defeated some evil druid creature or moonkin and kept the gear as trophies. Or maybe she was an initiate Gilean druid before the whole Worgen attack and decided to become a warrior but kept her druid clothes? I don't know. :P Keep 'em coming!
EDIT2: What would be a good creature for her to have defeated and thus kept the gear as trophies?
EDIT3: Man, I really don't want to race change her to a Nelf just because of this RP outfit but I don't want to be a lorebreaking idiot either. >>