I have an 85 priest who is Holy/Shadow that I moved to another server to raid some with a friend. After a while I decided to reroll one on my main server. This time I decided to level her as healing Disc. A guildie of mine showed me a spec for smite healing....which I love love love.
Everything was going great. I dinged 30 and got dual spec....shadow. I noticed that since everything was dying so fast my dots werent having any time to tick and I was constantly out of mana from reappling them on new targets. My dps as disc was actually higher that my shadow spec and I never ran low on mana - so I start queueing as Heals/DPS in my disc spec. Once again, everything was great until Outlands.
I had two different heals yell at me for "healing" while dpsing. "Disc DPS sucks" etc. So, I went back to Shadow thinking things probably had changed in the last 30 levels. But..no. At 61, I am finding that Shadow is still mana draining with very low dps output because everything dies to fast.
I really just wanted some input from priests about their thoughts on it. Is disc dpsing really that taboo? Being chronically low on mana as Shadow makes me feel like I'm on the freeway with my low fuel light on.
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/skywall/Aeryism/simple My shadow rotation - SW:P > DP > VT > MF until 3 orbs > Mind Blast and SW:D when lower than 50% health.
My disc rotation - Holy Fire > Smite until 5 stacks of Evanglism then Archangel for mana regen when needed