So up here we have our own Wow magazine, which is of course licensed and all, but not actually published by Blizzard.
Here's the cover (pardon my blanket... -_-;;)
and the text freely translated...
from left
"How Ragnaros Was Downed - the exciting moments from Paragon's realm first" (edited for hyperbole)
"Beyond Azeroth" - strange planets and other dimensions
-the dirtiest pvp tricks
-the truth about gold sellers
-the spread of virtual plague (ie. Corrupted Blood)
-harrassing messages from lurkers
-when a hacker steals your toon
and here we are on page 10! :3
"Here's some romance to balance out the general doom and gloom of this issue. Our reader Nocchi the Mage and charmer Paladin Breos spend a romantic valentine's day on the faraway Argent Dawn realm" yaaaaaaaay!
oh, and if anyone here is alliance on Argent Prawn-US, say hi to Onerva/Aurinko/Yukimi/Nocchi/Niko, because they're all indeed just altoholic lil me ^_^