Sub rogue BG spec and/or guide

Sep 11, 2011 11:22

I have recently rolled a lovely troll rogue by the name of Jinba. I've been leveling her mainly through BGs and she is now in her early thirties. I decided that it was time I stop fooling around and actually try to spec her a little more sensibly and work out what sub rogues are about but most pvp guides and builds I've found are in fact either outdated or for Arena specifically. She is the highest level rogue I've ever had and while I might be happy fudging it with a class I'm a little more experieced with I feel I'm missing something specifically in the tactics area of rogues. Does anybody know of a good newbie rogue pvp guide with information that isn't specific for arena or have any tips of their own?

I'd also like to stop her experience at either level 60 or 70 to just battleground with her. Any idea if this will be feasible or will I be missing vital parts of the sub rogue toolkit at those levels?

pvp: battlegrounds, rogue: subtlety

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