Clothes, clothes, clothes, CLOTHES! Do you know how ready I am for 4.3? I am so ready, I had six guild tabs of boe greens before the patch was even announced.
So of course, once Transmogrification was announced, I had to get even more ready. Had to collect the best RP outfit links. (
Visual RP Gear List,
Uniforms and Outfits Forum Thread,
Wowhead's Favorite Items) Had to gather my own lists of cool models and skins beyond the stuff I had in my bank. And in the process of all this, I noticed that a lot of old RP outfits mixed different gear types or were missing slots or were otherwise unsuitable for transmogrification. Kind of annoying, right? So I decided to make a few of my own.
A lot of NPCs are not suitable for transmogrification outfits because they mix gear types or are missing slots (usually shoulders) but I did find a few neat options. Couldn't do old school nelf!Sylvanas, but I could do old school
Thrall who wears plate (above) and a more current
Vol'jin with only minor color variations.
Hamuul was an easy one, pre-Firelands event, though at the end of that chain, he has some customization to match Malfurion and his other buddies.
If I had Blizzard's ability to wear shirts on top of armor/tabards, an accurate
Deathguard Elite might be a bit easier, same as post-Firelands Hamuul, but as long as you sacrifice the exact shoulders and the tabard, and don't display a helm, my Deathguard design is close. You'll need a Forsaken Hunter to raid in it, but at least that's allowed now, right? (Try a purple Illidari Tabard or a purple guild tabard to get another bit of the look, but there is no way to get the grey top that Deathguards and Dreadguards both wear. Frustrating. :/)
Sunreaver Guardian Mage outfit was the hardest one I've tried so far...
Kor'kron Overseer was the easiest.
The Guardian Mage was also the most fun to try to figure out, because if you have not noticed by now, I am crazy. But that was obvious, right?
'course, the Guardian Mage, like many outfits, would be impossible for anyone who didn't have a few friends, or perhaps an entire guild to jump into Sunwell and help them out. And if you're looking for a guild...
On to the second part of my post!
Novo Ordum Mundi on Steamwheedle Cartel US is looking for more DPS for a Tuesday/Wednesday Firelands raid.
I have been in Novo for two years of it's three year existence, got my frostwyrm with them, hunted down five Jadefang minipets for them, and went from being a fresh 85 in greens just after the t11 nerfs to a current 4/7 in Firelands with them. Let me tell you, this is a great guild to be in. Novo understands real life (see: me not hitting 85 till after 4.1,) is friendly to married couples, is 100% anti-hate speech, and is on a popular wow_ladies server. Also, we are goofballs of the sort who joke madly about warlock cookies and Mr. Pinchy serving tiny plates of fish feast, then turn right around and become efficient boss-killing and purple-looting machines. Want to learn more?
Raid Times
- 8-10 Tuesday & 8-10 Wednesday
All raids have a short bio/smoke/snacks break ever hour.
We have two 10m raid teams- one running at the above times, and one running Fri/Sun. However, we are only recruiting for T/Wed. Right now, the T/Wed team is running BoT, BWD, and Four Winds, and clearing all of them in four hours with time to spare-- it has a bit of dps overlap with the Fri/Sun run which has been keeping it out of Firelands. We want to fix that, but on the plus side, because of the ease with which we've been facerolling all of t11, gear is not an issue with new recruits. If you have the playtime and the right attitude, we will gear you until you can barely stand for the weight of ilevels. Or at least, we will try really hard, RNG being the cruel overlord that it is.
Raiders Wanted
- DPS.
- No really, that's as specific as I'm going to go.
We have a very balanced guild roster at the moment, and although I could say that a boomkin will have more gear competition than an enhancement shaman or hunter, we could fit just about any class in, as long as they can kill things. And as said above, gear is not an issue as long as you have the right times and attitude.
If you are applying as a couple, or if you just really like the sound of Novo, we could also accept a tank- preferably a bear or DK.
How to Apply
If you want to join us,
read the guild rules, and then
fill out an application on the website. Questions should go to our guild leaders, Jazper and Jhet, or our social officer and our chief engineer, Eddison and Jaytee. Normally, I'd also say you could whisper me (Eneko, hi!) but I will be traveling for a while, and the officerfolk are all awesome and will be able to handle anything you want to ask anyway. Feel free to come into Mumble-vent or try pugging with us before you decide anything! Also be sure to read all the rules, or filling out the application might be a little confusing.
Novo Ordum Mundi has a great history with wow_ladies- you can see one of my older recruitment posts
here, or if I go back far enough, I can even find the post I got recruited by. (Ah, nostalgia.) I hope to meet some more of you soon!
Okay, maybe one more transmogrification outfit before I'm done. I really can't get enough of these.
Every RP fashionista likes to try their hand at a Demon Hunter and after finding the absolutly HAX alliance quest reward,
Sandrene's Invisible Vest, I couldn't resist either. So here is a full
Demon Hunter transmogrification outfit any leather wearer could raid in, save for the weapons. And here's to hoping they give Horde an invisible armor skin for one slot or another as well, because otherwise I will be sad. Think of the shirtless blood elves, damnit!
And when you are done thinking of the shirtless blood elves, orcs, forsaken, and otherwise, of whatever gender you prefer, suggest me some more NPCs I could try to make gearsets for? They should be wearing mostly one geartype, have all the gear slots more-or-less full, and ideally, be recognizable characters.