I've seen it happen so many times I can't count - people killing the new hunter challenge rare pets as they're being tamed and I've ticketed many times
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I kind of agree with the top poster on page 2 that finding a way to make the pet/player unattackable during taming would be game-breaking, but they should at least properly define this behavior as griefing and make it so that people are appropriately punished for it.
I agree with this as well, except there really shouldn't be player immunity - especially on a PvP server. Being attacked while in the middle of a tame is just one of the risks. :)
I have to courteously disagree. A hunter is a pet dependent class, just like a warlock. When they set it up that hunting down their voidwalker, imp, or any of the above allows other classes to kill the 'lock, I'll say that its just fine to kill the hunter trying to get a pet, or kill the pet so the warlock gets to wait for another 6-17 hour spawn of their chosen creature.
Common or rare, you can be taken down taming or your chosen pet killed either way. I'm tired of having to feel apologetic because I want a "rare" pet and not a "common" one, and wanting to just be able to tame whatever I want without the worry that it or I will be killed is not going to "break the game". I'm very glad that you prefer a pet that is everywhere; what, I'm bad because I want something that YOU choose not to get? :) How is what I posted going to mess with game balance?
Let's face it, aside from the near criminal stupidity of making Northrend rares that they knew hunters would want and then put into an achievement, there is NO reason that killing the tame matters to *anyone* but the hunter. Making the hunter and pet both immune to being killed by other players while attempting a tame isn't really changing a thing or making the game biased via quests, XP or loot (almost every single recent rare only gives the 25 gold tear or loyalty) to people of the appropriate level.
If it isn't changing anything then why do you want it?
Oh right, it IS changing something.
Most of the rares have decent loot or even pets dropping off of them, plus players on both sides are conditionned to kill rares, both by aforementionned loot and the achievements.
Do you really want gold farmers selling hunters with 'all the rare pets?' because that's what you are asking for. It is bad enough that hunters are the bot class du jour.
Personally I ignore Horde side tames, but am liable to whack Alliance trying to tame anything juicy. *shrugs*
That happens NOW. I was flying through Sholozar the other day and was whispered by someone saying "they had that green dinosaur" and would "allow" me to tame it for 500 gold, or they'd kill it.
I had looked for almost a YEAR for that tame on my own-- I have him so I passed, but if I didn't, I WOULD have been tempted.
If it is already happening, again, doing what is suggested will not change the game.
No silly, they would camp all the spawn spots and tame them all, you would never see a rare mob again. Then you`d have to fork out real world cash for it.
What you are asking for is waaaaay too easily abused & I guarantee that a bot could hold a tame, break it repeat until the actual designated bot-hunter showed up.
TLDNR: Blizzard is never going to do something that stupid, they actively block exploits.
Actually, I've never stopped a tame but theoretically if I saw an Alliance hunter and they were trying to tame something on the rare checklist for Outlands and Northrend, you bet I would.
"What you are asking for is waaaaay too easily abused & I guarantee that a bot could hold a tame, break it repeat until the actual designated bot-hunter showed up."
i don't think that this would apply to many of the new rares. some you have to tame so quickly or the beast will kill you. there are only two that would be able to be done the way you describe - skitterflame and banth. skitter is susceptible to scare beast and banth is to the ice cube trap. theoretically one could chain the scare/trap, then tame, interrupt the tame and set the scare/trap again, etc. otherwise many, if not all, of the new challenge rares have abilities that will kill you if you try what you're describing or maybe reset.
additionally... with banth here there is this issue. in order to get him down, you gotta shoot him and therefore you tag him. so said warrior wouldn't even get the tear.
"Making the hunter and pet both immune to being killed by other players while attempting a tame isn't really changing a thing or making the game biased via quests, XP or loot (almost every single recent rare only gives the 25 gold tear or loyalty) to people of the appropriate level."
No one should be immune to being killed on a pvp server if they're not in a sanctuary or the starting areas. And that would be abused: see the opposite faction - start taming a pet.
I kind of agree with the top poster on page 2 that finding a way to make the pet/player unattackable during taming would be game-breaking, but they should at least properly define this behavior as griefing and make it so that people are appropriately punished for it.
Heck on my hunter I *purposefully* get the most 'common' skinned pets and ended up with the most unique ones. :p
Let's face it, aside from the near criminal stupidity of making Northrend rares that they knew hunters would want and then put into an achievement, there is NO reason that killing the tame matters to *anyone* but the hunter. Making the hunter and pet both immune to being killed by other players while attempting a tame isn't really changing a thing or making the game biased via quests, XP or loot (almost every single recent rare only gives the 25 gold tear or loyalty) to people of the appropriate level.
Oh right, it IS changing something.
Most of the rares have decent loot or even pets dropping off of them, plus players on both sides are conditionned to kill rares, both by aforementionned loot and the achievements.
Want a rare pet? Buy guild protection/help.
Personally I ignore Horde side tames, but am liable to whack Alliance trying to tame anything juicy. *shrugs*
I had looked for almost a YEAR for that tame on my own-- I have him so I passed, but if I didn't, I WOULD have been tempted.
If it is already happening, again, doing what is suggested will not change the game.
What you are asking for is waaaaay too easily abused & I guarantee that a bot could hold a tame, break it repeat until the actual designated bot-hunter showed up.
TLDNR: Blizzard is never going to do something that stupid, they actively block exploits.
i don't think that this would apply to many of the new rares. some you have to tame so quickly or the beast will kill you. there are only two that would be able to be done the way you describe - skitterflame and banth. skitter is susceptible to scare beast and banth is to the ice cube trap. theoretically one could chain the scare/trap, then tame, interrupt the tame and set the scare/trap again, etc. otherwise many, if not all, of the new challenge rares have abilities that will kill you if you try what you're describing or maybe reset.
No one should be immune to being killed on a pvp server if they're not in a sanctuary or the starting areas. And that would be abused: see the opposite faction - start taming a pet.
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