So w_l, what are you all going to be Transmogifying your gear into?
I admit I'm terribly uncreative, and most of what I'm going to use are already sets or recolors. (What can I say, I adore the BC matching recolored sets.) These are just what I've stockpiled just for RP already. I'm thrilled at the prospect of being able to actually being all of my pretty farmed sets out! As a long time appearance tab supporter, I'm ecstatic.
I'd love to see what everybody else has stockpiled or are going to go chasing after! I know I'm going to be living in Black Temple for a while.
My main, a feral druid, is being difficult for what I want her in. >>; I mean, at least I don't see her gear very often. Hell, I might just end up using the feature only to ensure she's not in a robe. xD I also have no ideas for my baby pally cow.
(Sorry for the picspam, I took this as an opportunity to go take some (rather bad) pictures of everybody in their RP gears.)
Aysal with her Sha'tari Skyguard uniform I'm super proud of.
I loved hunter t10; I really hope we'll be able to have blank slots, or I'm going to be hunting for random gloves and shoulders I don't want. Oh well.
I'm so going to be predictable and get t5 and the white recolored t6 for my priest.
Wtb ICC 25 run for those sexy shoulders. It's the only piece I don't have, and t10 is my favorite tier for a majority of classes.
I'm betting every horde warrior and their dog is going to be in the vanilla pvp set, but you know, I like it. It'll be placeholder for if I ever get some t6 instead, haha.