I know I've read a few posts on this topic, but for the life of me, I cannot find them now.
After the last patch, I had the launcher won't launch issue that others have had. I remembered someone saying they fixed their issue by going strait to the launcher file and opening it that way. Which worked and I created a short cut which has worked just peachy until yesterday. (I hadn't logged on since Tuesday)
Now, my short cut won't work. Trying to launch from the launcher file won't work either. The only way I can get on the game is to start it from the .exe file directly. (Don't let the fact that I typed ".exe" fool you. I have no technical expertise at all.
Anyway, I've looked up all the possible fixes and read the
blue post and basically done everything I can think of, but the game still won't launch from the launcher.
Is anyone else having an on-going problem with this? Or did you at one point, but found a way to fix it? Any and all help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
UPDATE: The ingame tech response I got over the weekend was to go to the launcher folder and delete three files, Cache, Interface, and WTF. Then run the repair tool. I believe that's all stated in the blue post from above, but at this point I'm not sure who's told me what. Long story short, still a no-go. They did send me something directly to my battle.net open ticket area which I have not looked at yet because I'm frustrated and needed a break. Will update again in case anyone else is interested or is having this problem.