[H] Monkey Business Looking for Healers!

Jul 22, 2011 15:11

Okay I get overly nervous about starting posts in communities (and this is my first non-comment post here /quails) BUT HERE GOES!

Hello! I am an officer of a 25man casual raiding guild on the US PvE Server Dragonblight! We are a level 25 Horde guild by the name of Monkey Business and we are looking for 1-2 dedicated healers for our 25man raid nights. Non-healers are welcome to apply for consideration, but be warned that if attendance maintains its current trend, you may not have a consistent spot.

To apply: Apply at our website! Bizmonkey Forums

Guild Progression: Currently the guild is 3/7 on 25man mode, and 4/7 on 10man mode. Shannox and Beth'tilac are relatively smooth kills now, we quickly downed Rhyolith on our first night working on him, and Baleroc we've only managed to down on 10man (note the need for healers!).

Raid Schedule: We raid 25man 2 nights one week, 3 nights the next, on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, from 6-8:30/9 PST (that's 9-11:30/12 EST, the server is PST, most raiders are EST). Typically we alternate T/W and T/W/R but lately we've been trying to split up the raid days a little so that people aren't stressed about raiding back to back nights - so the last couple weeks for example, it was T/R then T/W/R for the two-week alternating schedule. I hope that's not too confusing! -- In addition to the 25man raid nights, we frequently schedule a continuation 10man that is open to the guild on other raid nights, and a t11 night for alts or mains that would just like to go. Anyone is welcome to schedule their own raids, including old-world raids for achievements.

Raid Makeup: We very strongly encourage players to pick the character they want to play most and to make that character the best they can be, so that each player has a declared main to make it a little easier to predict raid composition. In doing that, we truly bring the player, not the class. This tends to work out for us; lately the only class that is lacking in representation is Rogue. However, our healing contingent has frequently been made up of offspec healers. Our consistent healers are a resto druid, a resto shaman, and a disc priest (myself). Other resto druids and holy pallies show up on occasion, but it's been really inconsistent and we would be much happier with one or two more consistent healers. As I said above, we bring the player not the class, so we would be happy to have anyone who is willing to work together as a team.

Guild Social Specs: We are generally an adult guild, with a few children of guildies who are well looked after. We do not tolerate verbal abuse or drama, but there is frequently some good-natured mocking once we get to know each other. Any transgressions brought before an officer will be dealt with (especially if you come to me! Rawr). We gladly help out our guildies, either with information for in-game items, quests, and character mechanics, or by crafting things as needed, or even by joining up and doing dailies and heroics as a group. All consumables for raiding are provided and guild repairs are turned on and quite generous.

Guild Other: In addition to raiding, lately we've gotten into doing Rated Battlegrounds! I hear we're top 5 Hordeside on the server right now, but I don't personally PvP so I'm afraid I can't give a lot of information on that. Suffice it to say we have several people who would be happy to PvP with you, either in Rated Battlegrounds, Arenas, or even in Random Battlegrounds. Alts are welcome, and as mentioned above you can feel free to schedule achievement runs or any events you'd like to see done - or suggest them to an officer and we can try to make it happen.

Thank you for your time! If you have any additional questions, especially those that are not answered or are difficult to find on the website, feel free to ask in the comments or you can talk to a guildie in-game -- you can find me in-game as Sevlet (or any character online that is in Monkey Business and starts with "Sev"). In addition, if you would have to server transfer and want a little taste of the guild before transferring, talk to me and I'll see if we can work something out (inviting a lowbie alt, listening in on Vent, etc).

raiding: 25 mans, guild: recruitment

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