Hello! I've been a member of this community for a loooong time, mostly as a lurker and occasionally as a commentator. Since I find myself needing to do some guild recruitment lately, I figured I'd formally introduce myself and plug my guild a bit in hopes it entices anyone searching for a new WoW home to give us a look! :)
Hi!!! I'm Ikuri, though my guildmates all call me "Iky". My main is a Disc Priest and I love the class so much I just finished leveling up a second one! I have bunches of alts ranging from lowly lvl1's to lvl85's. I'm a single mom to an awesome little boy. I love gaming, music and reading. I have a pretty freaking cool job (I work in Second Life!)
I write a blog in my spare time. And I've been my guild's primary raid leader for the last year and a half. :)
Natural Order ([H]Farstriders - US) is one of the oldest guilds Horde-side on the Farstriders server. We were the first guild Horde-side to hit lvl25 (think we were second overall on the server?) and we've successfully managed to keep our guild friendly, casual, and open to players of all backgrounds, playstyles, and interests. We have a dedicated leadership core, an active guild forums, and a great membership base!
During Wrath we were one of the main raiding guilds Horde-side. At the end of Wrath, we were the only Horde guild still fielding 25man raids, and often ran multiple 10man raids on our raid nights. We did all of this while raiding as a casual raid guild with an inclusive raiding policy, and managed to do it pretty well! :)
With Cata however, our raiding core has taken a hit from the fist of the angry god called "Real Life". So we're looking to fill out our raiding groups and are recruiting for the following classes and roles:
Priests - We could definitely use a competent Holy priest that would do well as a raid healer. Disc Priests are also welcome to apply, though Holy Priests would have greater raiding opportunities with us.
Shamans - We are desperate for a Resto Shaman! Bonus if they have an Elemental offspec.
Druids - We have a number of terrific resto Druid healers, however more are always welcome. Raid spots may be limited though.
Paladins - Although we have a few Holy Paladins, I'd love one that can commit to our raiding schedule on a regular basis.
Although we already have several really awesome tanks in our guild, we're open to recruiting tanks with melee offspecs that don't mind switching back and forth on an as-needed basis. A dedicated DK tank would be nice to have, since we don't currently have one.
Warlock - We could use another warlock, either Destruction or Affliction.
Boomkin - We could definitely use a Balance Druid able to commit to raiding on a fairly regular basis.
Elemental Shaman - we have NO ele Shamans at this time and could certainly use one who can commit to our raid schedule (bonus if they also have a resto spec!)
We've got a good balance of melee players, but there is room for an Enhancement Shaman and/or a DK to join us on raid nights.
We take the approach that being a casual guild doesn't mean we don't take raiding seriously. Our raid leadership is comprised of several officers, who are experienced raiders with previous "hardcore progression" backgrounds, that communicate daily and work as a team to meet the raiding needs/wants of our guild. Our philosophy is that raiding should be fun, and that anyone willing to put in the time and effort to be raid-ready should get the chance to do so. Even if you aren't really geared for raiding, have never raided before, but would really like to give it a shot, that's ok! We can help you get geared up and teach you all about the encounters, while having fun together along the way. :)
So if you're interested in raiding and might be in search of a new WoW home that is friendly, casual, sociable and fun, please visit our forums at
http://natural-order-guild.com, take the time to read over our rules, and post an application! If you have questions, comments, or just want to say "HAI!", look us up inworld too! (do /who natural order)
Thanks! :)