I'm writing a fanfic, and I want to know some details on faction politics and relations? Like little particulars. I get the intra-faction prejudice, somewhat (mostly the blatant belf-undead versus tauren-orc etc), but I would like stuff on how racial leaders feel towards racial leaders. Besides Thrall/Jaina, since I'm looking for intra lol. Are
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Despite the overwhelming population of blood elves on RP servers (I add to that myself, because I love me some belves), the race itself was very much decimated after the Scourge invasion, and then losing more to Kael'thas' madness, and mana addiction (hello Wretched!), and some who turned "traitor" (that is, refused to join their brethren in turning to the Horde for help, and/or nomming fel energy to ease the magic withdrawal symptoms)...well, it's only sensible that Lor'themar would want to try to focus on matters more immediately home if at all possible instead of sending cannon fodder out for Garrosh's overambitious striving in Kalimdor, and especially after the Northrend stuff. So I don't think it's quite as...heartless as implied here, tbh. I would think the more insular tendencies of Quel'thalas are more from practicality and necessity for rebuilding/protecting the people than from them having a "couldn't care less" attitude about the outside world/Horde.
This is a very tenacious race, a people who will survive ( ... )
I like stuff like this in RP discussions and in the game itself. I mean, not even just Conflict Ball mess but actual distrust that would happen after quick assimilation. When Cata first dropped, it felt like my parents were fighting or something (metaphorically). But now, I really like it. It contributes to the nuance of the world, where before it was, [RacialLeader] shouts down to his people, "THESE ARE ALSO MY PEOPLE!" and basically they're like, "ALL RIGHT!!" I mean, if a bovine people joined us tomorrow, I'd be like WTF THEY'RE LIKE COWS OR SOMETHING. Even if I had fought for them. What about living habits? Ways of life? Etc.?
And arghh, I suck at reading ebooks unless they're non-fiction (just can't get into the book properly) and I have all the WoW books in ebook form but I just can't read them. I don't get past the first chapter. I don't understand why, but when I come back to it, I have to reread everything I read before to make sense of it. But it might be the wrong book.
My library doesn't have them either, and neither do the ones around, and even if they did, I'm using my one intra-library thing for ASOIAF.
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