My little warrior isn't so little anymore. She's 51, with no signs of slowing down. Currently, she's prot for leveling and dungeons, with a fury OS that's sadly mostly there for IC purposes. I love the idea of my little girl whipping around two ridiculously huge swords.
My problem, though, is that I have absolutely no clue what I am doing, and EJ is beyond unhelpful here. Unlike with other classes and specs, there IS no helpful breakdown, that I can find, of talents and glyphs and all that... I'm really at a loss of what I am doing.
Here is her talent tree as I have it now. I'm pretty sure that I don't need those points in blood craze, but I don't really know where else to put them - everything seems really PVP oriented or incredibly situational.
I don't know what rotation I should be using. Hell, I don't even know what stance I should be in - I'm pretty sure it's Berserker, but I really don't know for certain. That spec is currently unglyphed, as I haven't been using it - I remember every few levels or so to swap over and fill it out, but it's pretty sad. I'm usually pretty good at figuring out glyphs on my own - if I know what rotation I should be following...
I'm pretty sure that my main stat priority is strength, but I don't know what comes after that.
Any help, given in language a non-math major will understand, would be incredibly useful. Every once in a while, I'm tired of tanking, and our guild actually has a surplus of tanks at high end.