New Fan Art: WoW Worgen Prot Warrior BW

Jun 06, 2011 13:36


Completed - June 5th, 2011

This isn't any character in particular, just a fan art (Protection warrior worgen) in the Warcraft style. This is the first time I've tried my hand at drawing a worgen as well.

The motivation behind this was the idea that if raids and such played out in a more realistic sense, it would actually be the tank(s) that would be busy protecting their peers. And, well, if you fight dragons, it might look a bit like this.

For the moment I'm considering this greyscale version "complete," but I'm intending to come back to it and turn it into a color rendering in the future using the greyscale version as a general guide.

The original file is 10044 x 6418. It was digitally painted entirely in Photoshop CS3 and CS5.

The images above separate link to DA, where the files are hosted.  You will have to click on them again within DA for fuller views.

Fan Art.
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