Last year I should've gotten my violet proto drake from the What A Long Strange Trip It's Been achieve. My boyfriend and I were just missing that one pvp achieve from Children's Week (School of Hard Knocks), more specifically the capture the flag from Eye of the Storm. Try as we might that entire week last year, we couldn't get it. It was the only thing we needed.
I was determined to get it this year.
I was VERY excited when Children's Week came around again because not only will I get another chance to get that one little achievement done and I'll be done with the ...Strange Trip dealies forever, this would be my third Children's Week and I can get the Veteran Nanny achieve. :)
Okay so I sported my pvp set and queued for Eye of the Storm. I had a lot of difficulty snatching the flag because everyone else needing that achievement is also gunning for it. Eventually the main combat area got moved to the side someplace and I saw the flag spawn and stood there with no one around. I made a mad dash and got the flag! No achieve. I ran around with it and messaged the boyfriend that the achieve must've bugged or something. I saw the opposing faction take an interest in me so I booked it to the closest tower we had...
And I got the achievement! Being an achievement collector of sorts, I was also happy to see I got a couple of the Eye of the Storm ones as well! Apparently you can't just pick up the flag for the achievement, you actually have to bring it back to a base. I wish somebody had told me that...
And I finally completed all the ...Strange Trip metas and got my proto!
Haha I will never have to to this again!
While I'm here, I love the new pets added in the patch. No relation to Children's Week. I was excited to see the Winterspring Cub. I love running around with vanity pets matching mounts or hunter pets.
The Winterspring Cub is adorable and has various idle animations.
And the new Hippogryph Hatchling is cute too but I haven't noticed if it had different animations.
The color is different compared to the mount, but with it's still super cute. :D