resurrecting a rogue

May 04, 2011 18:13

I'm just coming back from a year-long break from WoW, and though I've done my best to keep up with the changes you all have been discussing since Cata, the fact remains that I'm pretty much a below average player. My DPS is inconsistent, I've always got some kind of missing enchantment or gear snafu, and I'm really looking to improve now that I'm making my comeback. I'm especially excited to get to start from scratch with my spec and do it right this time.

Either way, I've got a lvl 80 mut rogue who's not going to make it in these new dungeons with the way she is now, least of all given how rude these upper level ones seem to have gotten, based on a great many posts I've seen around here. I've taken her in ICC once, and I think she has a couple pieces of gear from TOC 10 or 25 or something, but that's probably the best she's got on her. I'd link to her armory, but it's been so long since I've logged in that she doesn't show up in search anymore.

Do you ladies have any tips for an assassination rogue who's dusty, rusty, and wasn't so hot to begin with? Things like gear, spec, rotation, general changes to look for in Cata? My goal is to pull my own weight and have a good time, and though I do very little raiding at all, I'm still very interested in being the best I can be just in case I get straightened out enough to get into that. I have a couple alts -- ele shaman and holy priest (might change him to disc later) -- but since my rogue is my main and also closest to the level cap, she's my focus.

Thank you to anyone that can help!

rogue: assassination, general: advice/advise, expansion: cataclysm, rogue: general

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