So I'm on facebook and see a post from the Official Warcraft page. It says the following:
What sage advice would you give to World of Warcraft beginners interested in getting the most out of macros? Do you have any favorites that you can't live without? Are there certain fan sites or online resources that you commonly refer to? Head on over to the community site to get the discussion started!
The replies? See userpic.
"Macros dull down the -OVERCOMPLICATED- game of World of Warcraft, because. It's SO hard to do some things manually."
"only bitter old socks use Macros, good player's don't need macros"
"/target noob ( one hit ko/ tea bag motion)"
"i like getting steam off with spaming /spit
but my fav is /y Bring it on sucker, that's my kind of sh!t ! attached to wings"
/delete wow"
"I only use macros to talk trash in BG and arenas."
"/ quit wow / play rift so much better than blizz. Nabs lol :) "
"Macros are for cheaters...if you have to have them to cast your spells or attacks then you suck."
I mean, granted these are half of the kinds of replies, some of them were giving actual macro lines, and the others were giving actual advice... while some where asking what are macros, which is understandable because not everyone plays the game the same way.
(edited out a phrase that wasn't really necessary to the discussion and was bait to something I really wouldn't want a huge deal about)
But... just irks and makes me want to headdesk repeatedly to see the kind of replies as above. Its reminded me why I don't go to the official forums at all. Gah.
Oh and on a lighter note:
Moonkin Bumblebee! The baby moonkins fly now! They look so coot but impossible like omg like a moonkin bumblebee /endsquee