I'm a bit of a Reputation nut. I started out just wanting the shiny rep-required mounts and pets. But now I want to be Exalted with most factions just for the sake of being Exalted with them. Guess i'm collecting Exalted faction status along with the pets and mounts now.
Does anyone know if there's a "rep grind guide" website out there? Something updated for Cata that tells the most efficient (in time and in gold) ways to gain Exalted status with various factions?
I'm not actually going for "the Insane" title. I've little interest in grinding Bloodsail rep, truth be told. But guides for Insane in the Membrane would be useful.
One reason i've gotten a fire under my tail to grind rep is the Guild Achievement for 55 Exalted reputations. I was reading on wowhead that it's bugged to only count one person. In my guild, i'm that one person with 36. I know for certain it's only counting me. I hope they fix it to count all guildies with the proper guild rep status.
So for the guild rep achievement, does anyone know if there's a list of what reps count towards it? I've seen commentary from people saying some factions don't count, but nothing's been written with certainty. Does your own Guild Rep count towards it? What about Oracles/Frenzyheart if you've gotten the achievement for gaining Exalted with both? Same question for Scryers/Aldor? And those of us who hit Exalted with Zandalar Tribe...it's a feat of strength now, but does it still count?
Here's where I start rep-rambling. Sorry for being long-winded.
For me personally, I'm still working on some Cata factions (would help if I ran more randoms with my tabards). I have all the WotLK factions at Exalted. Need Gilneas, but I can get that after I finish wearing tabards for the Cata factions. So mainly i'm focusing on BC and Vanilla.
I've done all the get-a-mount factions already, so that cuts down the to-do list a bit.
The BC dungeon and raid factions just seem to require the repeated running of the related instances. That's Honor Hold, Keepers of Time, Consortium, Sha'tar, Ashtongue Deathsworn and Scale of the Sands. At 85 the heroic dungeons are easy enough to solo (note that i'm a Bear). The raid rep is a bit more difficult, but still "easy" once peeps are talked into running the old content.
The Consortium...I imagine it's back to the old warbeads grind for them. Along with mass elekk slaughter for ivory tusks. As well as Crypts dungeon runs. Multiple rep options so if I get bored with one I can change to another method for a bit. And tusks also might be up on the AH for cheap if i'm lucky. The other BC reps are just gonna be instance runs only, though.
Vanilla factions are where I face the most trouble planning how to go about my rep grinds.
Molten Core runs for Hydraxian Waterlords...easy stuff. And I want the Druid tier out of there anyway. I can usually get two or three or more peeps for a MC run if there's not a serious raid that night. Everyone loves T1 it seems.
Brood of Nozdormu, Darkmoon Faire, Ravenholdt and Shen'dralar...i'm mostly clueless. Any advice for these is greatly appreciated.
I read that Ravenholdt takes a rogue pickpocketing specific items, and I don't have a Rogue alt (or space to make one). Thinking I may just have to stay Neutral with them.
Darkmoon Faire confuses me the most out of all the factions. I'll admit the only thing i've ever done with 'em was get a Jubling pet. After that I didn't care enough to bother with them. Now i'm wishing i'd done a bit more. On the plus side, I do have a max'd Scribe alt to make cards for me. And a speedy little herbing alt to pick flowers for ink. Is there anything aside from the card decks I can do for rep with the Faire? Or a specific order of what decks to turn in in what order for maximum efficiency? I'm currently Neutral with 'em.
And, of course, we have the goblins of the Steamweedle Cartel. I'm Honored to Revered with all four towns. With Cata the mobs-to-kill were altered and i'm not sure what to kill or where anymore. I'd rather get rep for all four at once, but I read that some mobs only give rep for one town and not the other three. Time is a valuable thing, and I want to make sure i'm spending mine wisely.
And now..the PvP factions. In my case, that's Silverwing Sentinels, Stormpike Guard, and League of Arathor. I hate PvP. It makes my stomach hurt. So while it's not very likely i'll go after these three reps, I'd still like to know about how long it takes to get from Neutral to Exalted when you loose every battle. Yes, I said loose. I'm being realistic. Horde tends to dominate PvP in my experience.
Thanks in advance for any help. I want to make the most of the time I put into rep grinding, and any tips to speed things along are welcome.