Rogueish help.

Jan 20, 2011 12:23

Hello, ladies! I come seeking some advice.

My adorable bank alt is getting up in levels (for profession reasons), and since I'm nearing level 50+ plus, I'd like to get a better idea of my rotation and how to gear. I really really like Combat so I don't intend to change specs, but I don't know if I'm doing what I should be doing.

My rotation is, atm, kind of... complicated I guess is the word, but not in a bad way. In a fun way. It's more like a priority than a rotation.

I start off with Garrote while soloing or Ambush on bosses, Sinister Strike, and then at three-four CP I use Slice and Dice if I think the fight is gonna last a while. Then it's more SS until four CP, then Revealing Strike, then Eviscerate or Rupture, depending on how much health the boss has left (25% or more I generally use Rupture). I'll stick an Expose Armor in before Eviscerate/Rupture if there's no druids in the group. Rinse and repeat until shit is dead. If there's three or more mobs I use Blade Flurry.

For soloing I use two Instant Poisons, and for dungeons I use an Instant Poison on my main hand and a Deadly Poison on my off hand.

It's getting the job done to be sure, but I'm just not sure if it's the... proper way to get the job done. I don't want to be a bad Rogue. So far I haven't heard any complaints about my DPS, but I'm not running recount so I don't actually know how I'm doing.

As for gear, I'm basically focusing on Agility, but sometimes a piece of gear with come along with a ton of Attack Power (I didn't even know they still made Attack Power gear) and I'm not certain when AP > Agility, if ever. Besides that, I'm on the lookout for Haste, which I know isn't going to pop up much at this level.

My biggest issue atm is my inability to control my aggro save for using Vanish. Feint doesn't seem to help at all. I have a focus assist macro so I know I'm beating on what the tank is beating on, but I still manage to snag aggro. It's really frustrating having to use Evasion almost every boss fight.

I'm also thinking about dual speccing for PVP but I just... have no idea where to even begin with that so any advice about that would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance ladies! I have to run to class but I'll be checking back QUITE soon.

rogue: gear, rogue: combat, rogue: general

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