Jan 10, 2011 23:34
I feel like a failure. Been healing raids and such, and I just don't know. I don't heal enough. It's a pittance compared to the pally and the disc priest. Like a low percentage of what they do. I know charts are bollocks compared but I like to know where I stand. They want me on raid heals, but in tens everyone is spread out or running, and I don't feel I can do it as well as the disc priest. I don't know what to do, since Chain Heal is so situational sometimes, as is Healing Rain. Do I sit there casting Healing Wave and Riptide?
I know some of it is just because their gear is way better (I only have one purple, and am still wearing 333 bracers.), but I don't know what to cast most of the time, and I hate it. I read that forum thread about shammies earlier, saw that I'm supposed to use Rain a lot, and I also poked around LifeinGroup5 and the Wowhead shammy forums. I'm going to make a mastery set specifically for Chimaeron (that fight was terrible), but now I see the value, compared to heroics where I keep people topped off. I just need some help to be better at the actual casting. (I'm not concerned about the progress, because this isn't my guild, but I need to know for my guild, and I like to be the best I can!
And in general, do you guys have healing assignments? I never needed them in LK except for H LK and to look out for? How would you give these healing assignments out?
shaman: restoration,
raiding: tips,
raiding: 10 mans,
raid: cataclysm,
raiding: leading