Pretty much what the subject says. I just recently found out about a mob in Deepholm -
Aeonaxx - that drops
this beauty. I've been reading up on her on WoWHead and see that the spawn times aren't known exactly or if she's linked to Xariona/other rare spawns. But because there are so many comments, I feel as though I don't have all the information that's known currently. I was wondering if you ladies know much about her? I've been sitting outside the Stonecore entrance, by the Quartzite Basin, around the floating rock.
My main question, really, is I'm just really curious if anyone has seen this mob/gotten the mount at all, specifically Bronzebeard-US. I know it will take me a long, long time to get the mount (if ever), but I haven't seen any rare spawns at all. But then again, I've been staring at the same rock for the past few days. ._.
And relating, how far away can the mob be for NPCScan to go off? I downloaded it just recently, and I'm a bit nervous it won't go off. o_o
And just because I was so amused when I took it, here's a screenshot of the Singing Sunflower.
Thanks and luck to those who are also trying for this bee-u-ti-ful mount. ♥