It all started with an Undelivered Love Letter.....
I recieved this in the mail a few days before Christmas. Giggling at the nature of the item I hollared across the house "So is it delievered now? =P " He responded "Yes."
Now since we both wanted to get the Cata CE, we mutually decided that it would be easier (and more cost effective) to give it to each other for irl Christmas rather then spend over $80 on ourselves, each, RIGHT before the holiday and then more on a gift for the other. But I also I wanted to get him something special, something he wouldn't see coming. At one point I asked if he had ever made the Engi mounts for himself because we both knew he was only 2 away from Mountain o' Mounts. " No...;;¬_¬ " Enter in-game gift idea. It took me longer then I expected to farm the mats I didn't have because it was A METRIC F!CK TON OF KHORIUM. D=< I was only able to give it to him a few days ago, but he LOVED them. =33 He origionally though I was making them for myself, and had apperently forgotten I had made both back.. in tcb ;;>_>.. so he was super suprised.
wrapped in blue
wrapped in purple
I told him to open the blue one first, and after staring at it in disbelief for a second he goes "But if I learn it, it won't say "made by Shineko" anymore :( " I told him it was ok to learn it because that's why I made it (and that it would just clutter up his nice neat bags if he didn't). So he did and I got a screenie.
Then it was time for the purple gift. I think this one really threw him off because it's SO much more expensive in raw mats (DAMN YOU KHORIUM), and he was still kind of under the impression that I was making them for myself. When he learned this one it made 100 mounts and a fancy achievment. =3 So in reality I got him 3 mounts for Christmas because there was a freebe in the mail. xD
Mount Twinning~
^^^^^^^^^^ He loves me!~ <3
Epic Twinning. We flew aroung Org together for a bit then he went and got his dragonhawk out of the mailbox and enjoyed it for a while (I didn't get a screenie of that one).
I am SO happy that he liked them and that he was TOTALLY suprised by them. <3