Jan 01, 2011 18:51
Hello and happy new year, ladies!
So my two weeks off work have had me trying out all kinds of weird and wonderful things on WoW (as opposed to gearing my main and leveling the alts I already have, but, that's another story!), and I've found this little goblin shaman I rolled on an overtired whim to have stolen my heart. Unlike most of my holiday timesinks, I think she'll actually live to see the outlands, at the very least! So I come now to you all looking for some advice on addons. What I'm after is something that will either rebuff me, or alert me to rebuff, because keeping the totems, shields, weapon enhancements and everything else in order is the one thing that might drive me batty and keep me from leveling this toon in the future! Does such an addon exist? Are there any other things a resto shammy/newbie healer like myself might find useful, or should know Or Else? Please feel free to even cover the most basic of tips, as I've only ever played mdps and toyed with tanks into the 30s!
Thanks :)
shaman: restoration,
shaman: general,
role: healing,
addons/mod: healing,
addons/mod: class specific