
Dec 17, 2010 02:03

Hi there! De-lurking to boast about something I've wanted for a long, LONG time:

I got Loque'Nahak! At last! After searching off and on for him since he appeared in Sholazar for the first time, and flirting with maybe catching another spirit beast instead, I am the proud tamer of Azeroth's only spirit leopard!

He literally spawned right in front of me as I was getting ready to mount up and leave Sholazar, heavy-hearted as always. I shrieked, scaring my cat, my dog, and my husband (about in that order). For one thing, having only seen screenshots of him after he'd become someone's pet, I had no clue he was that BIG. For another, well, here was my thought process: "OMGOMGOMG It's HIM!"

After a moment of panic when I realized I was still in Survival spec, I took a deep breath, activated my primary spec, and tamed him. Despite the new expansion, this is the first time I've been in Sholazar Basin that there weren't at least three other people around, not counting Horde. I'm starting to believe what a poster on Wowhead said: "You don't find Loque, he finds you." For all of you out there who haven't gotten him yet, keep trying. It took me all this week to get him. On a dungeon/raiding note, it may take an act of the GM to get me to switch specs or pets ever again. :P

I looked up "Snow" on, because he looks like a snow leopard. "Fönn" is an Icelandic root meaning "snow drift," which I think is fitting, considering how friggin huge he is in the wild.

Oh, and hai. I'm Verini on Cenarion Circle. Give me a /wave if you see me! 

screenshots: happy!, hunter: beast mastery, hunter: pets, epic post

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