I'm hoping someone can point me in the direction of a home for my Night Elf ex-kitty-now-boomchicken/tree main (and maybe some of the dozen or so alts I'm currently running).
I've looked around myself, but am not having much luck. I'm in the odd position of looking for a guild without being able to bring much to the table. :( I don't have the time to devote to raiding and I play maybe ten hours a week. I love running alts, so I only have one 80+ (and right now only slightly + at that), but I don't mind helping other folks through lower level content because the phrase 'I have an alt for that' is my battlecry right now. *grin*
Right now I'm logging into my vanity guild and just feeling downright lonely... :( Help me, oh Wow_Ladies? *respecs so she can make sad kitty faces at you*
I normally play for an hour or so after work, EST starting around 7 or 8. I play on the weekends as time/life/etc allows. Sometimes all day... but not often. ^_~;; I can swing one, maybe two nights a week for a scheduled time, but no more than two hours. Bedtime routines take me offline at 9:30-- pilling a grumpy old cat is time consuming. :P)
Five and Dime is my vanity guild. The Jessa and Fessa were my husbands old toons and are not available, everyone else on the list is me. :) (I have two accounts and dual-box on Pattern & Recognition, and am fiddling with the other pairs as I have time)
My Main is
Ashella who is currently spec'd for Boomkin and Resto. I only recently started these, and have better gear for the Feral (cat not bear), I just got bored of playing kittehs.