Welcome to WoW

Dec 02, 2010 17:00

I have met a lovely girl in my new course who has expressed interest in giving online games a try and every time I have talked about WoW she has said: "I'd love to try that!". Win! So, I was planning to give her the battle box for Christmas, together with an invite code for RAF and a little note with my server and character name :-3

However, that has gotten me thinking - I have been playing so long that I have honestly forgotten what it is like to be a "noob". I remember being terrified of city/trade chat, because I felt like it was in a language I did not understand, being really worried that I'd make a fool of myself every time I grouped with someone and getting lost. A lot. I also remember getting fairly annoyed with my friends for having only limited interest in my failed Deadmine run and instead piling large amount of technical informations on me that made only little sense to me at the time (DPS? Aggro?? Threat??? LoS pull????) or telling me about what amazing gear they just got on their level 70 (those where the days) or what a bugger boss X was being in heroics/raid (neither of which meant much to me at the time). That however is about it.

I obviously don't want my friend to have the same trouble, especially as she hasn't played much in the way of Computer games since leaving school (I think she is in her mid-20s now). I am planning on being the single most patient leveling partner known to man (or Draenei as it might be) and will try my hardest to avoid technical terms until we hit our first dungeon and even then keep it to a minimum until later in the game. Anything else I can do to make her experience of the game better? What do you wish someone had told you when you first started playing? What did you find most frustrating? What did you enjoy most? Any "veterans" here that have brought someone new to the game? What were your experiences? Any advice, success stories or words of wisdom would be very much appreciated!

leveling: recruit-a-friend

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