The tag overhaul has begun! Within the next few hours, the tagging of posts by members will reopen and we can begin using the new organization system. If you feel we have missed any relevant tags, please use the
You Missed a Tag! post on the mod community.
!mod: master post
!mod: post
!tag me please
account: authenticator
account: harassment
account: security
account: general
achievement: dungeon
achievement: exploration
achievement: feat of strength
achievement: general
achievement: holiday
achievement: loremaster
achievement: mounts
achievement: pets
achievement: pvp
achievement: raids
achievement: reputation
achievement: the insane
achievement: titles
addons/mod: class specific
addons/mod: general
addons/mod: healing
addons/mod: help
addons/mod: profession
addons/mod: rp
addons/mod: ui screenshot
blizzcon: general
blizzcon: tickets
character: creation
character: re-customization
character: restore
character: transfer
death knight: blood
death knight: frost
death knight: gear
death knight: general
death knight: unholy
discussion: article
discussion: class
discussion: faction
discussion: gender
discussion: guild
discussion: poll
discussion: pvp
discussion: race
discussion: raiding
discussion: research
discussion: rp
druid: balance
druid: feral
druid: gear
druid: general
druid: restoration
expansion: beta
expansion: bucket list
expansion: burning crusade
expansion: cataclysm
expansion: collector's edition
expansion: general
expansion: wrath of the lich king
general: advice/advise
general: auction house
general: boys are awesome
general: contest
general: girls are awesome
general: blizzard gm
general: gold
general: irc
general: just curious
general: keybinding/mouse moving
general: links
general: miscellaneous
general: mounts
general: non combat pets
general: nostalgia
general: pug
general: rant/qq
general: transfers
general: voice chat programs
guide: achievements
guide: addons/mods
guide: class
guide: general
guide: pvp
guide: reputation
guide: rp
guild: advise/advice
guild: bank
guild: charter
guild: drama/politics
guild: general
guild: looking for guild
guild: dkp/loot system
guild: recruitment
guild: website/forums
hardware: computer purchase advise
hardware: headset
hardware: keyboard
hardware: mouse
hardware: video card
hunter: beast mastery
hunter: gear
hunter: general
hunter: marksmanship
hunter: pets
hunter: survival
instance: burning crusade
instance: cataclysm
instance: classic
instance: heroic
instance: wrath of the lich king
just for fun: ask a gm!
just for fun: blingee
just for fun: clothes
just for fun: cool story bro
just for fun: funny!
just for fun: wow addict
leveling: advise/advice
leveling: alts
leveling: ding
leveling: general
leveling: heirloom
leveling: recruit-a-friend
loot: advise/advice
loot: general
lore: alliance
lore: comic
lore: game
lore: general
lore: horde
lore: novels
lore: race
lore: rpg
lore: world
macros: class
macros: general
mage: arcane
mage: fire
mage: frost
mage: gear
mage: general
media: art
media: blog
media: crafts
media: fic
media: general
media: graphics
media: icons
media: model viewer
media: music
media: news
media: podcast
media: video
merchandise: commissions
merchandise: figureprint
merchandise: general
merchandise: official
merchandise: trading cards
paladin: gear
paladin: general
paladin: holy
paladin: protection
paladin: retribution
patch: day
patch: discussion
patch: notes
patch: ptr
priest: discipline
priest: gear
priest: general
priest: holy
priest: shadow
professions: advise/advice
professions: alchemy
professions: archeology
professions: blacksmithing
professions: cooking
professions: enchanting
professions: engineering
professions: first aid
professions: fishing
professions: general
professions: herbalism
professions: inscription
professions: jewelcrafting
professions: leatherworking
professions: mining
professions: skinning
professions: tailoring
pvp: arena
pvp: battlegrounds
pvp: general
pvp: halaa
pvp: realm/server
pvp: tol barad
pvp: twink
pvp: wintergrasp
pvp: world
quests: argent tournament
quests: dailies
quests: general
quests: isle of quel'danas
raid: burning crusade
raid: cataclysm
raid: classic
raid: wrath of the lich king
(note: individual cataclysm raids will be updated with their own tags as needed)
raiding: 10 mans
raiding: 25 mans
raiding: hardmode
raiding: leading
raiding: tips
realm/server: eu
realm/server: oceanic
realm/server: search
realm/server: transfers
realm/server: us
relationships: advice/advise
relationships: friends
relationships: general
reputation: alliance
reputation: burning crusade
reputation: cataclysm
reputation: classic
reputation: general
reputation: horde
reputation: wrath of the lich king
rl: meetups
rl: pictures
rogue: assassination
rogue: combat
rogue: gear
rogue: general
rogue: subtlety
role: dpsing
role: healing
role: tanking
rp: advise/advice
rp: gear
rp: general
rp: realm/server
rp: story
screenshots: funny
screenshots: general
screenshots: happy!
screenshots: wtf
shaman: enhancement
shaman: elemental
shaman: gear
shaman: general
shaman: restoration
technical: bugs
technical: dual boxing
technical: glitches
technical: mac
technical: pc
technical: support
theme: artpad aturday
theme: capslock friday
theme: community database
theme: community feedback tuesday
theme: look back thursday
theme: traveling journal
theme: ui mod monday
theme: too much wow wednesday
warlock: affliction
warlock: demonology
warlock: destruction
warlock: gear
warlock: general
warlock: pets
warrior: arms
warrior: fury
warrior: gear
warrior: general
warrior: protection
world event: brewfest
world event: children's week
world event: day of the dead
world event: elemental invasion
world event: hallow's end
world event: love is in the air
world event: lunar festival
world event: master post
world event: midsummer
world event: noblegarden
world event: pilgrim's bounty
world event: pirate's day
world event: what a long strange trip it's been
world event: winter veil
MOD NOTE: The silly tags will remain intact through this culling, have no fear! Thanks for your patience, happy Friday! ♥
ETA: Member tagging privileges restored! It would be a huge favor to us if you were to
retag your own posts. That link says
noabsolutes so just replace her username in the URL with your own. You would be helping us so much as we get settled with new tags. Thank you all!