Replacement for SUF

Oct 12, 2010 17:01

Since ShadowedUF is not going to be maintained going forward, I'm going to need an addon to replace it. Specifically it needs to be able to handle the holy power and eclipse bar elements being added by 4.0.1.

I use Grid for my raid/party frames, so I just need Unit/Target/Target of Target/Totems/Runes/Combo Points/Holy Power/Eclipse frames available.

I've seen StUF recommended - does anyone know if it will handle HoPo and Eclipse? Any other (lightweight!) suggestions? I've used PitBull and xPerl and didn't care for them - I found them unwieldy and unnecessarily resource heavy.

Thank you!
(I looked at the addon tagged stuff and didn't see anything that specifically addressed the HoPo/Eclipse elements)

addons/mod: help

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