My boyfriend and a guildie all started working on Loremaster so I did as well. The guildie got it 2 weeks ago and my boyfriend got it a week and a half ago. I wasn't nearly as close as they were. But it has spawned the interest of others because now two other guildies are also working on the achievement. :) All of us trying to keep ourself busy until the expansion comes out.
Saturday (technically Sunday) at 2am I finally got my last quest in Kalimdor and got Loremaster! I was so excited. Sunday I decided to work on fishing achievements and got Coin Master, Scavenger and a few other fishing achievements that only required fishing in certain spots. But while doing my timed fishing in the Dal Sewers (decided to give myself a time limit so I wouldnt be there all day) I fished up the Giant Sewer Rat! I was so psyched!
I went onto just fishing around and went to fish up some Glassfin Minnows for Waterwalking potions and something was in the loot window that I didn't recognize right away. I got the Sea Turtle mount! I swear I almost jumped out of my seat and I yelled "YESS" in guildchat. :P I have horrid luck with random drops and here is two in one day! :)