Gear upgrades - how to choose?

Jun 29, 2010 17:34

I'd love to find a nice way to show me what consequences changing a character's gear/spec/enchant/gems will have. For my hunter I use Zeherah's Hunter DPS Analyzer to figure out what gives the biggest DPS improvement. I can try swapping my shots around, or respec and regem virtually...much cheaper and faster than actually doing it in-game! This site has saved my sanity so many times (even thought my guild laughs cos I pop off to 'do my spreadsheet').  Unfortunately it's only for hunters, and I would *love* to find something similar for my other characters.

- yeah, so, pretty much that analyser LOL
- preferably online so I can access it anywhere, although I'd consider a downloadable programme if needed
- something that picks up my gear/spec from the armory automatically
- no scary maths! (which rules out EJ spreadsheets I think?)

I use RatingBuster for a rough guess-timate of whether gear is better (for rolling), but I'm specifically looking for something that will let me play around with everything to do with my toon. I'm not specifying a class because I'd like to find as many as possible (you never know what you'll need in future...altoholic much?).

druid: gear, warrior: gear, warlock: gear, paladin: gear, priest: gear, mage: gear, death knight: gear, rogue: gear, loot: advise/advice, shaman: gear

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