It's Tuesday again, please remember to update your characters on the
WoW Ladies Community Roster!
My biggest news comes in the form of a ding. My druid Nahe became my fourth 80 over the weekend, and so far I have loved life at the top. I'm running dual feral specs for cat and bear, but sticking to cat in heroics until my gear is sufficient to tank with. In only a few days I've run my gearscore up from 1800 to 4200, while hammering down the cat DPS rotation. Coming from Ret Pally where I have to mash 6 buttons constantly, it's refreshing to get a moment to pause now and then. Hopefully with a few more upgrades I can bring her into an ICC alt run.
I also made some progress along my achievements goal. Most notably I finished the Gurubashi Arena Grand Master achievement. I'm glad to finally be rid of the 11 tokens I've been holding in my bank forever. I also finished up Sporeggar and Sha'tar rep, grabbing 30 exalteds along the way.