Feb 19, 2010 14:17
What do you think about carrying someone in a raid? I've been pugging a lot lately, and in pretty much every group there has been at least one person that's just there to be carried and have put no effort into their gear at all. In ToTC25, there was a priest barely pulling 3k, and with no gems or enchants at all on their gear. Their excuse? They had just bought epic flying :/ I get that sometimes you're low on money, but if you haven't even gemmed or enchanted your gear, why are you in a raid in the first place? They are part of one of the "cliques" on my server, so they got to stay, and I got kicked. And yesterday in Ony25, there was a hunter that wasn't even geared to do regular heroics and doing less than 1k. When confronted about it, he just said he was hacked. I armoried him, and saw that he had just dinged a couple of hours ago, and told the RL about it. For some reason that made me a bitch, and the hunter got to stay because they were friends with one of the healers :/
I get that not everyone have great gear but just not putting any effort in at all pisses me off. If you want to get carried, then do it with your friends/guild, not in a pug.
It seems though, that every time I call someone out for not pulling their weight, I'm somehow a horrible person? I never do it rudely, just point it out that "maybe someone that just dinged/got no gems or enchants/whathaveyou should be replaced since they're not contributing to the raid?" I just think that if you're going to a raid, you should do the best you can,come prepared, am I alone in this?