It's been a very exciting week for me!

Jan 28, 2010 12:10

I've had a very productive and very lucky week, so I come bearing pictures!

First, I hit 80. She's my very first, so I was quite excited!

That same day, my roommate decided he wanted to run heroic Magisters' Terrace to get his White Hawkstrider. So, we ran the normal version in order for me to get in, and this dropped! :D

That night, I was invited to an attempt of For the Horde. I play on a not-so-small-ish RP server that's lacking in both progression and PvP, so the fact that we got a big enough, good enough group is pretty amazing. We downed everything on our first try, and within the hour, I was a proud new owner of a Black War Bear.

Within the next few days (and about five runs of Heroic Magisters' Terrace later), I got myself the White Hawkstrider!

And then to make things even better, I finally got the fishing pole I've wanted forever. :)

All in all, it's been an excellent week for me!

professions: fishing

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