
Jan 07, 2010 18:47

Recently I've taken a break from WoW and I've been playing a few console games instead.

Though I've been horribly missing WoW so I hopped back on to do a few instances including the new (new to me!) ICC five-mans and a ten-man Onyxia. During this I realized something. I'm very, VERY rusty. I haven't healed effectively in a long time. I wasn't bad but I wasn't good either. I mean, sure, we didn't wipe in the five-mans felt odd. I don't know how else to describe it.

It was as though I was stepping into hiking boots in North Caroline after sitting on a couch in Florida for five years.

I feel like my gear is so out-dated and as though I have so much catching up to do that I'm not sure I'll ever catch up (and I think that the badge bought T10 is ugly as sin despite being upgrades). Every time I try to log in now I feel horribly depressed when I look at how much I'm going to have to do to catch up to others in my guild who have become little more than strangers lately.

I feel depressed when I attempt to play. Yet I miss playing. I feel rather pathetic. :(
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