I just have to squee a little and share some screen shots of my Priesty.
I finally got my Ambassador title! And my kodo, since Thunder Bluff was the last city I had to reach exalted with. YAY!
I'm also a Human Rogue away from having the Pilgrim title, as well. That comes tomorrow. Since I've been doing Pilgrim's Bounty quests this week, I took two screen shots of Vaylai enjoying the festivities and two of her with her new title and shiny new kodo. :D
AMBASSADOR VAYLAI! I've been working my ass of for this damn title. Finally hit Exalted with Thunder Bluff tonight, and voila! Yay!
Also, I took some screen shots of Vaylai partaking in the Pilgrim's Bounty celebration.
Vaylai has very little reverence for the spirit of the season. Or for soiling everyone else's food, obviously.
She decided to have her meal at another table.