Mar 16, 2005 10:19
alright so m in dpm and im really bored and im thinking...alot...and i have started to wonder....what am i doing with my life i mean my life really has no point...its not that im going around saying my life sucks im going kill myself but its more like me thinking that there really isnt a reason that i am here... i mean i have no one that i have to keep warm at night... no one that needs my shoulder to cry on.. my parents have enough to deal with with marty they dont need my dumb shit in their im nothing great im actually probably a hassle on the teachers....its all pretty beat.. but hey thats my life and i dont really care im pretty much over it
im gonna go drink my fiji water n listen to some music n i guess watch the laybrinth..yup czu thats what i have to do for dmp...yup...