Aug 13, 2008 14:49
i update way too much. i just get so upset and frustrated and i have no other way to let it out. i can't let it out to tj because as soon as he walks in the door it's like everything bad goes away. plus i just really don't want him to know that i'm still depressed, he doesn't need to get worried about it.
the toilet overflowed. it was the first time i've ever had to clean up something like... THAT and i cried the entire time cleaning it up. i started having a panic attack but i was able to calm myself down. it was just like that was the straw that broke the camel's back, i just got so sick of everything fucking up. i'm still sick of it. the worst part was that it overflowed after i got out of the shower so i was all clean and had to feel gross again. god, i couldn't wash my hands long enough!!
my mom's been so great. i got a list of required reading for my english honors class (which includes the perks of being a wallflower and the diary of anne frank. honors? uhhh more like 9th grade. but whatev, works for me. i like those books. =] ) and my mom let me use her account to order them and she's paying for all my textbooks and it's just really nice. granted, she doesn't have to pay for my actual college tuition or a dorm... no i'm just kidding i'm really really thankful that she's paying and able to pay for it.
i saw this car with "jusd marry'd" written on it. how big of an idiot to you have to be to not know how to spell "just"? or were they trying to be cute? i don't know but it annoyed the shit out of me because i'm pretty sure they thought that's how you spell it. god i hate people they are such idiots.