So my bank alt has a guild called Dangerous Liaisons. It has two members... my husband's bank alt belongs to it too, and I started it to have a way I could easily support all of our toons we could pool our resources without having to mail things back and forth, etc. It's ended up being really nice and very convenient to have that much more space to store things.
Anyway I had never really done much with the tabard until a few days ago... then I decided to play around with it and came up with this:
I'm pretty pleased with it if I say so myself!!
Now, my husband's hunter, Gumonyou, has a guild as well. I started that one for him completely on a whim, and mostly to illustrate to my husband just how insanely easy it is to create a guild. We went ahead and put our alts in it (my shammy and his pally, along with one of our kids' toons and his hunter and my DK.) He called it Kingdom Gum (rofl) and because I was inspired by my tabard-making skills with my bank alt's guild, I spent some time making up a tabard for it too...
I wanted something farm-y, but battle-y as well... hence the scarecrow surrounded by bones. :P I like the dark yellow/burnished orange colors... reminds me of fall and harvest time.
I've had a few compliments on my tabards in-game, too, which is awesome.
In raiding news... I got my mage saved to 25 man ICC for nothing yet again. Sigh. See, what happens is the raid time for the 25-man starts a bit too early for me... this week it was at 6:30pm my time (which is better than the 3:00pm it has been) but still just a bad time around here with all the kids especially during the summer. And yesterday I had to end up running to the store late in the afternoon too, so I couldn't even be online at the start of the raid. Which was fine... I sent my husband a text that said, "not going to be able to make it home in time for the raid, could you let them know?" and that was that.
I get home, I get the stuff put away, supper fixed and the kids fed, yada yada... Brian's in there raiding, and calls to me that there was someone d/c'd and if I logged in I could join up before Saurfang. Then he yelled, "Nevermind!" so I keep on trying to get the house in order and get the younger kids in bed. Once I get all that under control, I logged in and began puttering about, cooking buff food and making fish feasts to put in the guild bank and some other things... and I get a surprise invite from one of the guild officers to join a group.
I hesitated... I knew they'd already downed Saurfang and they were getting ready for Fester. To date, I have yet to clear Fester with this guild on a 25, and I just end up getting saved for 30 minutes of wiping. I was really close to declining, but knew how well that would go over. Not! So I sighed and joined, thinking maybe this would be the time we get through it and who knows? Maybe even continue on.
We could have gotten through it. We so totally could have. The thing is... at that point? People stop caring. They've done the first four bosses, they've had a chance at the Mark (which another doesn't drop until Putricide), gotten their frosts and loot drops, and they're tired. They're not motivated at that point any more. Now, last night there was also going to be the guild's group 3 raid coming up so that was the main excuse reason for stopping, but it's happened before when there had been no other events. Just tired people who wanted to stop... and a few unfortunates who were called in at the last moment for nothing.
They asked another guild member if he wanted to come, and he said no... he didn't want to get saved to Fester. As expected, that caused a few snide comments. But I didn't blame the guy at all and wished I'd had the balls to say the same thing.
I declined next week's 25 already. Bleh.
X-posted .