Just can't please everyone...

Apr 28, 2010 13:18

Sigh.  Well, first off, I'm really enjoying the guild my mage is in, (we'll call it XX)   I like the people,  I'm in the primary 10 man raiding group, and we raid ICC two to three nights a week which is just perfect.  We're not progressing ultra-fast, but we are progressing, and having a lot of fun.  Last night we downed the first six bosses of ICC in just under three hours... bosses that used to stump us for an entire night.  So we're getting better; we're learning the fights, and we're all having a good time.

My druid (who I just got to 80 last week, woot!) is in another guild (YY), which has several of the alts of friends I had in my old guild.  That guild is run by someone who seems okay.. but who I don't really know all that well yet.  However, I was having fun with my friends' alts and my druid hanging out together with no pressure.

Well, until now.  :|

See, most of my friends who were in my old guild moved their mains to a raiding guild (we'll call it ZZ).  I thought about joining ZZ with my main too... but decided it wasn't a good match.  They raid way too often, and they are pretty strict about attendance when it comes to looting rules, so chances are I wouldn't even get to roll on any drops if I ever did raid with them.  I can't raid during the day, and I can't raid on the weekends... and I really don't want to raid every evening either.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not raiding only for the loot... but to know I wouldn't even have a chance to roll is rather disheartening.  And I simply can not raid on the weekends or start raids any time sooner than 7:00pm my time (and even that's pushing it... I prefer 8:00pm so I can have the younger kids in bed.)

So... yeah.  Not a good fit.  I'm not a hardcore raider,  and I don't have the sort of freedom most people seem to have in the late afternoons/evenings or on the weekends.   I don't have a 9 to 5 job, no... but I also can't quit work at five and go raid like some of the people out there (who probably don't have children to look after) can do.  And if a guild is going to be that strict on attendence... docking me even though they are scheduling me for things I have no hope of attending... well, I just don't need to belong to that guild!

And besides, I'm happy in XX.  Very happy!

So anyway, today I was on my druid... getting in a really quick random before I had to start doing some laundry.  The GM of her guild (YY) pst'd me and asked who my main was in ZZ.

Um... she's not in ZZ, I tell him.  She's in XX.

Then he sends back a big rant about how he thought all of our mains were in ZZ and how is he supposed to schedule anything around XX's calendar when he can't see it, and blah blah blah.  I told him I didn't realize having a main in ZZ was a prerequisite for joining YY, and he said it wasn't but if I wanted to run with them it would be easier and he wouldn't be able to put me on the raid schedule in YY until I moved my main to ZZ.

Um... what?  Excuse me?

I didn't reply to him (I was in the middle of Forge of Souls after all) but honestly... Am I wrong in thinking that's about the most ridiculous thing ever?   It's laughable, really.

That said, I really don't want to leave that guild just yet, because I do have some good friends in there that I would miss and who I enjoy running Heroics with and wouldn't mind raiding with (and I'm sure they feel the same about me too.)   Maybe I'll just let this ride... and when he's not putting me on the schedule and my friends ask me why, I'll tell them and see what they think about it.  :P 

ranting, guild issues, guilds

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