Okay, I thought, and pondered, hesitated, and pondered some more. Now, I've decided that I would finally make my first post on here. *ahem*
I'm a newbie to both here and WoW. I've watched this place for a week or so, and have only been on WoW for about a month. I've really enjoyed all the works that people have posted on here. They're so inspiring. :)
Now I'll share!
First up, my troll hunter. He got a male human mask on his first trick or treating exploration. The way his tusks poke though just made me giggle. His right arm bugs me a lot.
Trick or Treat!
My Night Elf hunter(I like hunters. Can you tell?)
Poor thing, she seems to be having some.. errm, costume issues. xP
Anyways, I hope you enjoy them.