okaie! I think h sh would be great to run with you as pally tank!!
(also, for sethekk- I think Kurai plans to run it a lot with her boyfriend, who wants a shoulder drop from that, so maybe you could work something out and she could take a break from tanking it to heal it or dps if she likes!)
Also XD; I'm hoping to complete the Trial of the Naaru quest while we're here, sooo. It is technically timed - we have 1hr 25 mins max to kill the last boss after leaving the first boss's room. With this group we should blow through it, but I just wanted to throw it out that I was hoping to complete the Trial as well.
Completing it in 55 minutes gets you another Badge of Justice, so there's still incentive to do it even without anyone being on the Trial of the Naaru quest. :)
Ahh, okay :) People on wowhead are saying you have til the last prisoner dies to complete the quest, which adds another half hour to the 55 minutes! Dunno if that is still in place, though.
Comments 14
Any day before work = early net time XD;
I love you so hardcore right now XD; YYYYYYYYY
If you want to do another one, or the other heroic in the quest, I am usually free Mon, Tues, Thurs and Sunday nights after 5pm ST!
But no worries, I know we're not going to be short on people being able to summon nightbane any time soon.
(also, for sethekk- I think Kurai plans to run it a lot with her boyfriend, who wants a shoulder drop from that, so maybe you could work something out and she could take a break from tanking it to heal it or dps if she likes!)
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