Your Character
*Character name: (baby made to have community see if you like me and vice versa..) -- Editrx
*Class: hunter/beastmaster
*Race: Nelf
What professions are you doing / do you plan to do with this character?: skinning, leather working
Picture of your character: She's pretty much a work in progress -- she's only 10. I can upload a pic of her tomorrow if I can get a good jpg while I'm at work.
*Is this character your main character in WoW?: my lvl 100 main(s) are on Thrall still, waiting to see if I should move them -- they are, in order of favorite/most useful play: a resto/kitty Nelf (Getåfix), hunter Nelf (Toxophilix) (is there a theme here?), a mage human (Lottatrix), and my best-geared 100 who is a lock named Editrix, a gnome engineer -- all named in honor of the Asterix & Obelix comics. I also have 5 more 90s, who I haven't had time to level, who were mostly done for their professions but who I do like playing and could level and gear if they are needed for the guild. The hunter was my main raider through Cata and start of Pandaria; the druid before that. And before that, my mage was my only main and was therefore my raider from late Vanilla through BC and onwards.
Name: Nancy C. Hanger
Age: 54
Location: Orford, NH (translation: so far north I'm against Vermont, and yes, it gets to be -40F here in the winter)
Picture of you:
(This is me, under orders of a good friend, standing under a sign at a county fair that read: LOST CHILDREN. Hence the completely goofy laugh.)
Contact (AIM, E-mail, etc?): FB = Nancy C. Hanger, email (best) =
*Tell us a little about yourself: I've been in publishing for over 30 years and decided to buy a small indie bookstore in VT just two years ago and revive it. It's an ongoing process. :) It's my baby, along with 4 cats and one husband.
*How long have you been playing World of Warcraft?: Since the end of Vanilla, 4 weeks before BC hit.
*What other characters do you have, and play (or have played) on a regular basis?: See above.
*How did you learn about DotA (website, real life friend, online friend, wow_ladies livejournal community, etc…)? Through LJ's wow-ladies community when I posted that I needed a new home after playing alone through Pandaria and ended up so lonely and dispirited during this xpac that I haven't been playing much at all, this after raiding (heroic, including the old heroic 25-man) through BC up to end of Cata. Eliina recommended the community to me as a possible good fit. So I made this baby Nelf to see how we all like each other in the coming weeks, before I move over a 100 or two. I don't have to be raiding to be happy: my 100's aren't geared for it, obviously, having been alone this xpac, but having a community again will make a huge difference to me.